Held jointly with Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies

August 25 – 29, 2010

Venue: Komaba I Campus, University of Tokyo
3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo, 153-8902
Access map / Campus map / Meeting locations

View the photo gallery from the Tokyo meeting.

Video Playlist

Note the playlist menu in the upper left corner.

STS in Global Contexts

Abstract submission has closed.

The 2010 4S conference will be held with JSSTS (Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies). This is the first 4S annual meeting in Asia. 4S members will have a chance to experience, interact with, and understand the cultural diversity of Asia. Furthermore, holding 4S in Asia opens the door to questions relating to universalities and cultural differences in STS concepts. This meeting will provide a good opportunity for reconsidering STS in global contexts as well as strengthening STS network worldwide.

Download the list of participants (July 29).

Schedule of activities

25th (Wed)  Registration, 4S Council Meeting, 4S Prize Committee, Welcome Reception
26th (Thu)  2 Sessions (a.m.) 3 Sessions (p.m.)
27th (Fri)   2 Sessions (a.m.) 1 Session (p.m.), Presidental Plenary,  Reception (sponsored by Microsoft Research), 4S Banquet, Karaoke party
28th (Sat)   2 Sessions (a.m.) 3 Sessions (p.m.), JSSTS Banquet
29th (Sun)  Japanese Sessions, JSSTS Council Meeting (Only Japanese sessions on Sunday)

Download a session schedule grid.


Download the full program with abstracts (4MB PDF).

Find an interactive program on the abstract submission site. You can search or browse all authors, presentations, and sessions. You can also view sessions on a calendar grid. Log in and you can construct a personalized schedule.


Early member rates, in effect until June 1, are $200 for professionals and $100 for students. 4S and JSSTS members can log in and will be offered the member discount.

Not a member? Add a membership to your shopping cart and the discount will be calculated at Check Out.

Registration rates in US Dollars:






Contact info

For information about the program or Tokyo logistics, contact the secretary of 4S program chair, Minako Kusafuka.

If you have any questions or problems about registration, please contact: Ryuma Shineha (Asia) or Steve Coffee (US, et al).

Get to Know Tokyo

One Noodle at a Time in Tokyo
By Matt Gross (New York Times)
Ramen, a simple concoction of broth and noodles, has inspired passion among Japanese and foreigners alike, and allows for a deeper understanding of the city itself.

Tokyo Tourism Info

Japan National Tourism Organization

Lonely Planet

Frommer’s on Japan

Tokyo Convention and Visitors’ Bureau

Tokyo Colour Movie

Mentorship Program

The Mentorship Program has become a popular part of the Annual Meeting. The goal of the project is to facilitate mentoring of individuals who are new to the conference and/or to the Society. A mentoring relationship assumes a minimum of one conversation at the Annual Meeting. We hope that mentoring relationships will also continue with at least two follow-up phone calls or emails during the following 12 months. Scholars willing to be mentors or who desire a mentor can fill out the interest form at the Mentorship Program Registration page.

Karaoke Party after the 4S Banquet

The Friday evening banquet ends promptly at 20:30. Join fellow 4S pop stars for authentic Japanese karaoke afterwards at Anthem’s Secret Lounge in Shibuya. 20:45~23:30.


See the Travel Grant info page and 6S Activities at the Tokyo Meeting.

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