Is Another World Possible? Imagining a Post-Automobility Future Through an Anti-Motor Show

Richard Randell, Webster University; Robert Braun, Institut für Höhere Studien Vienna

virPrague 20: Experiments in Collaboration and Critical Participation

The Detroit, Frankfurt, Geneva, Paris and Tokyo motor shows, considered within the automobile industry to be the most prestigious of many motor shows that are regularly held across the planet, as well as a number of other nationally and regionally significant motor shows, are accredited by the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, a global lobbying organization based in Paris, which describes itself as the voice speaking on automotive issues in world forums. Its general purpose is to defend the interests of the vehicle manufacturers, assemblers and importers. One of the places where the voice of automobile interests speak is motor shows, where utopian and entirely uncritical visions of automobility are promoted in spectacular fashion. It is a voice that speaks through the very material artefacts of the motor show, primarily automobiles. An alternative voice that speaks also on automotive issues is the field of automobility studies, yet it is rarely heard, as it speaks not through material artefacts but almost exclusively through the written texts of specialized, arcane academic publications with restricted circulation. The goal of this project is to develop a design blueprint for an anti-motor show, the primary purpose of which is to explore possible post-automobility futures.

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