42. Epistemic injustice, social practices of oppression and privilege in the invisibility of the production of knowledge in women

Xenia Anaid Rueda, UNAM; Mónica Gómez, UNAM

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol, Portuguese/Portugués

Undoubtedly, the development of science and technology has greatly transformed the living conditions on our planet. The transformation can be identified in two ways, the first from a material perspective, through the development of technological artifacts. The second, from a conceptual vision, specifically those that refer to knowledge models.

In this sense, epistemology and philosophy deal closely with the methods, nature, sources, and limits of knowledge. Of course, there is no unanimity in epistemology, we can identify various historically dominant traditions such as normative, naturalistic and according to recent questions, we also have those that focus on the knowing subject and cognitive pluralism.

Epistemology and philosophy, from a feminist perspective, contribute to the criticism of how it has been constructed and formulated based on notions such as objectivity, truth, neutrality, explicit and implicit values.

Thus, throughout this proposal, the importance of discussing philosophy from a feminist position will be scrutinized and incorporated as an eminent necessity that will strengthen, from a critical perspective, the perspectives around the philosophy of science and technology.

Under this perspective, we consider that the subjects structure the world or reality from one of the various conceptual frameworks. The conceptual frameworks are understood as social constructions that are built, sustained, and transformed as a result of the social practices of the subjects. These frameworks are conditions of possibility to understand concepts, beliefs, language, knowledge, norms, and values ??that human beings need and use in a cognitive and ontological relationship with the world (Olivé, 1999: 135-142).

The problems related to the plurality of identities, far from being exhausted in the issue of the need for respect and recognition of differences, a point above all to the systematization and normalization of oppressive practices and domination among those who have certain privileges that others do not have.

In short, this proposal will incorporate various proposals that analyze from the theory of knowledge and the philosophy of science under a feminist perspective that questions the very nature of scientific knowledge and the power that it creates to incorporate new perspectives towards a philosophy of science that blurs the epistemic injustices that lie from its conformation in the theory of knowledge. Finally, it also intends to incorporate proposals on the current context that keeps us at home. For this reason, it will be analyzed, to the academy from home, how care, science, and gender have brought disadvantages in the production of knowledge during the COVID-19 contingency.

Contact: xenia.rueda@gmail.com, monigomi73@yahoo.com

Keywords: Epistemic injustice, Oppression and privilege, Social and epistemic practices, Production of Knowledge, Women.

Published: 02/28/2022