72. Knowledge production and Cultural Media: Reconfiguring STS

Marina Fontolan, Centro de Estudos em Ciência, Tecnologia, Cultura e Desarrollo, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; Luciano Guillermo Levin, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol, Portuguese/Portugués

The theme of knowledge production is a major one for STS scholars. The Covid-19 pandemic only fostered the interest of scholars in this theme, particularly considering how digital humanities brings up new challenges for it. We consider digital humanities as the field of studies that focuses research on using computational tools and methods in the humanities. Therefore, this panel seeks to foster these discussions by asking its participants to present their accounts on how different Cultural Media products can also play a role in knowledge production.

By Cultural Media, we understand any type of cultural product developed by humankind: radio programs, podcasts, games, paintings, sculptures, TV/Streaming shows, social media, movies, etc. We seek to debate whether creating cultural media brings up new forms and/or resistances to current forms of knowledge production and whether the challenges we face with cultural media and STS are any different from the ones brought up by digital humanities. These discussions foster STS’ most classical theme by exploring new possibilities of knowledge production: what are the forms it can take? Who are the actors involved? What are the possible challenges to STS scholars when studying Cultural Media?

Contact: fontolan_marina@yahoo.com.br, lucianolevin@gmail.com

Keywords: Knowledge Production, Cultural Media, Digital Humanities

Published: 02/28/2022