88. Open Hardware: Perspectives on Open Science Beyond Access to Data and Publications

Julieta Arancio, Drexel University Center for Science, Technology & Society

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol

Open Hardware, or the practice of openly sharing designs, instructions, and manufacturing files for objects and devices, is gaining momentum worldwide. Academic production of open hardware has increased in the last 5 years; science funders are now funding projects and think tanks are exploring policy recommendations. Social studies of open hardware are still scarce, but have raised questions around collaboration dynamics, the role and use of licenses, analysis of business models and reports of experiences from citizen science.

The aim of this panel is to bring together a diversity of research objects within open hardware for science, to share lessons and discuss open hardware as a field of research. We will discuss which are the common and divergent framings of the practice? Are there specific methods that researchers are using to understand open hardware at different levels of observation? Which are the particular configurations that emerge when open hardware practice is performed in research settings?

Contact: jca88@drexel.edu

Keywords: open hardware, open science, knowledge infrastructures

Published: 02/28/2022