94. Post Pandemic Academic Reconfigurations

Jorge Nunez, Kaleidos - Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography; Maka Suarez, Kaleidos - Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol, Portuguese/Portugués

The global pandemic has worsened existing academic inequalities and generated new ones worldwide. Entire research infrastructures in higher education have been defunded, declared redundant, or simply closed down. Against this background an increasing number of scholars are forced or have decided to create new spaces for knowledge production to pursue their academic interests and curiosities. These emerging spaces are sometimes at odds with institutional politics and disciplinary boundaries. This panel invites presentations interested in discussing efforts to unsettle academia as usual. We are interested in alternatives for research and scholarship. This can include theoretical and methodological innovations at different stages of the research process —be this data collection, analysis, communication and presentation of results, data sharing, archiving, etc. They can also include novel institutional building practices in the form of labs, centers, platforms, and other places where STS knowledge is being made to reconfigure the current academic landscape. Our main interest is to have a panel of exchanges and learning between multiple actors. More than finished products we’re interested in a place of reunion, meaning “an opportunity to engage differently”. We want to learn about the complexities of our own academic reconfigurations while opening up spaces for rethinking how we do academia and whether an otherwise might be possible along the way. We are interested in different experiments and experimental forms of knowledge making.
Abstracts and presentations can be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish.

Contact: jnunezv2016@gmail.com, makasuarez@gmail.com

Keywords: Academic Reconfigurations, Inequality, Innovative Infrastructures, Doing Academia Otherwise

Published: 02/28/2022