102. Reconfiguring engineering studies… [to what ends?]

Vivian Anette Lagesen, NTNU; Jessica m Smith, Colorado School Of Mines

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês

Juan Lucena, Colorado School of Mines,US
Andres Felipe Valderrama Pineda, Aalborg university, Denmark

This panel builds on ongoing efforts in the field of engineering studies to creatively (re)imagine our forms of life, inter-relation, and scholarship as we reckon with the dislocations and openings of the current moment. The challenges we face were built through systemic racial violence and organized movements demanding justice; through global circulations of people and viruses and socially-patterned limits to the equitable distribution of resources; through educational systems constructed to serve particular political interests, even as others strive to create new opportunities; through slow disasters such as climate change; and through built infrastructures designed to weather different storms, both environmental and political.

Seeking reflexivity and greater intentionality amidst this shift, we aim to draw on the insights of engineering studies itself – in its full intellectual diversity – to set new research agendas, take social action, and create new ways of living together. In what ways have engineers and engineering contributed to the injustices embedded in the current moment? How have they supported ways of living together that center care and equity? What new forms of care and attention to the power dynamics embedded in them have we been cultivating as scholars and mentors, and forms ought we be cultivating? What relations have we had to let go, and with what consequences? How can past moments of reconfiguration inform our reckoning with our current moment and future we create? How can we observe the engineered world and translate knowledge into action?

We welcome contributions from empirical studies of engineers and engineering in the world, in addition to critical participation in engineering education.

Contact: vivian.lagesen@ntnu.no, jmsmith@mines.edu

Keywords: engineering, injustice, reflexivity, practices, systemic oppression

Published: 02/28/2022