107. Responsible Research and Innovation and Animal-based Food Systems: From the Lab to the Meat Production Unit

Stathis Arapostathis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Sophia Efstathiou, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Sílvia Coutinho, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol, Portuguese/Portugués

As the world struggles with a zoonotic virus of pandemic dimensions, this panel explores the question of making food from/and out of animals: We ask, what is the responsible way to develop food systems and food technology in the 21st century given the current ‘grand challenges’ of food sustainability, climate change and one health? The panel’s aims are: A. to explore the role of scientific hubris in shaping greedy and irresponsible patterns of food research and modes of production. B. to study the role of material and expertise politics of animal husbandry in shaping food systems as compared with traditional and indigenous knowledges, C. to contribute to the critical policy studies of research and production by addressing the value ladenness of technoscientific configurations in relation to animal-based research and food production, including the biotech of alternative proteins. The panel aspires to bridge critical policy studies with STS, Food and Animal Studies by focusing on research and innovation processes in food production and provision. It addresses the central theme of the conference by exploring the issue of reconfiguration of social orders and modes of living and cohabiting -in this case, also with animals. The RRI approach is introduced as a critical policy approach that addresses centrally issues of democratization, deliberation, inclusion and anticipation in food systems as responses to possible harms and vulnerabilities triggered by technoscientific fixes.

Contact: arapost@phs.uoa.gr, sophia.efstathiou@ntnu.no, silvia.coutinho@ntnu.no

Keywords: RRI, food, knowledge, biotech research, meat production

Published: 02/28/2022