122. STS Engagements with civil society and social justice activism: case studies of collective experiences

Stephane Couture, Université de Montréal; Sophie Toupin, Concordia University (Montreal, CANADA)

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol

From feminist and postcolonial work that consolidated in the nineties to vibrant contemporary black and indigenous technoscience studies, STS has long been exploring issues related to power, justice and equality. Concerning the design of digital technologies, different situated and normative methodological and theoretical proposals, such as design justice, participatory design and values sensitive design, have gained from and contributed to the field. Drawing on these critical frameworks, this open panel focuses on how STS insights are contributing to social activist practices. In the field of digital technologies, many civil society organizations are now very active in the advancement of “digital rights” and rely on fields like legal studies or the political economy of communication. What are exemples (or cases) of organized and institutional initiatives, such as social justice oriented advocacy organizations, that incorporate STS insights into their institutions and practices? How have concepts and approaches from STS been incorporated in such practices? What are the tensions and challenges emerging from such encounters? In this open panel, we are seeking case studies or accounts of collective experiences or organizations drawing from STS insights. Papers for this panel will be chosen to present perspectives from a plurality of places and settings. We encourage in particular the submission of papers presenting case studies originating from the Global South and indigenous contexts.

Contact: stephane.couture@umontreal.ca, sophie.toupin@mail.mcgill.ca

Keywords: STS, social justice, advocacy work, digital technology, practices

Published: 02/28/2022