141. Thinking with the Atmospheric, building geosocial futures

Alexandra Cotofana, Zayed University

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês

The panel explores the different modes of inquiry used in the study of the atmospheric and will survey approaches to thinking with the atmospheric, both materially and theoretically. Contributions will address a range of topics, including the politics of caring for the atmospheric, the ecological and symbiotic interactions between humans and the materialities of the sky, and the productive tensions in the governance and technologies of the aerosphere.

In trying to create transdisciplinary tandems, the panel centers a few questions. What materialities do scholars and practitioners perceive when analyzing the atmosphere? What sorts of place-based knowledge do specific gazes offer, and what epistemic gaps do they fill? What are the politics of atmospheric mapping and how are they negotiated? What role do machines play in atmospheric knowledge-making? What other planetary materialities must we keep in mind to better understand the atmospheric?

Contact: siacotof@iu.edu

Keywords: cloudseeding, clouds, geoengineering, athmosphere, meteorology

Published: 02/28/2022