151. WORKSHOP Strategies To Indentify And Combat The Gender Violence

Filipe Mendes Castro

Posted: February 28, 2022
Accepted Languages: English/Inglés/Inglês, Spanish/Español/Espanhol, Portuguese/Portugués

Hi, I’m Filipe Mendes, 29 years old, Internationalist and postgraduate in International Law and Human Rights.

I would like to submit a proposal in the Workshop format on identifying and combating violence against the female gender.

This difficult reality is present all over the world, being declared by the WHO a second pandemic. In Brazil there are laws that seek to combat gender violence, such as the Maria da Penha Law.(No. 11,340, of August 7, 2006), Feminicide Law (No. 13,104, of March 9, 2015)and more recently the Mariana Ferrer Law (Nº.14.245, of November 22, 2021), however the applicability of these laws in practice makes victims vulnerable and stigmatizes when they seek to denounce their aggressors. There are numerous other forms of violence that are not considered within the context of gender violence, as they do not physically show the violation of this human right, such as psychological and patrimonial violence.

It is necessary to carry out a base work to guide women, civil society and promote, together with state bodies, the identification and combat of non-physical violence that sometimes, in the face of a distorted reality, end up being tolerated in an unconscious way. And finally finding a unity among all Latin women and women from other parts of the world, a new perspective with an alignment for the protection and survival of all. The technical strategies and the multiculturalism among the participants will be the central basis for the identification of common factors of this panel.

Contact: rel.filipem@gmail.com

Keywords: Combat, Violance, Women, Workshop, Law

Published: 02/28/2022