Coronavirus - Call for Contributions from STS, Technoscience and Beyond

Amanda Windle

March 21, 2020 | Reflections

Image shows a close-up of a person washing their hands in a sink. The person wears a watch which is a reminder to take 20 seconds to wash your hands. Around the sink are key items like an antibacterial mouthwash and soap, which are products used to help reduce infection of the COVID-19. [Photos by Christine Sandu]


A special call for contributions from the 4S community. We are looking to put together a rough and iterative toolkit and a range of sources for 4S readers to think together around issues raised by the current coronavirus pandemic. We would also like to publish this in April 2020. You can add your contributions by emailing editor Amanda Windle here:, by adding a comment to the social media thread associated with this post, or by adding contributions to this open document:


You may want to contribute key articles such as these related to homeless communities or conference preparation.


Or documents related to communal gatherings like this one from the UK:


Or medium posts related to flattening the curve of the infection rate, or social distancing and self-isolation like these,


Or you may want to offer readings such as these: 


We’d really like transnational contributions that come from disciplines beyond the usual STS scope, i.e. science or medieval historian perspectives. Contributions might be garnered through keywords like 'quarantine', 'panic', 'disasters'. 

With contributions the aim is to create an STS tool kit so as to read, think and do together, while being mindful to approach such a sharing of resources with an ethics of care. There will be a strong possibility that members of the community may have lost someone during this ongoing crisis, so please respect those who may be grieving.

Published: 03/21/2020