13. Artificial Intelligence in global perspective: inequalities, changing relations, governance

This panel aims to generate comparative insights into the ways in which AI technologies are debated, developed, applied and governed around the world. Developments in AI, machine learning, and big data are transforming societies, the relationships of humans to each other, and interactions with the environment. Simultaneously, the deployment of AI, AI-based robots and smart information systems takes place in a context of global inequalities and competition, as well as well differences in cultural values, political systems and scientific capacities.

In this panel we welcome contributions that explore aspects of the following questions:
(i) What role do global inequalities and differences play in terms of how AI systems are developed, used and discussed in different global contexts?
(ii) Which region-specific and shared global challenges emerge with regard to the governance of AI, AI-based robots and smart information systems?
(iii) What are the effects of AI technologies on issues related to equality, diversity, justice and inclusion/exclusion around the world?
(iv) What are the implications of the global adoption and use of AI systems for STS, and the ways in which relations between humans, data, intelligent machines and the (social and natural) environment are conceptualised and governed?

The panel invites conceptual, theoretical and empirical contributions from across the world, with a particular interest in perspectives from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America as we well Oceania. Contributions that explore transnational developments or the effects of the international transfer of AI technologies from Europe and Northern America are also welcome.

Contact: achim_rosemann@hotmail.com
Keywords: AI, global inequalities, social and political differences, implications for STS

Published: 02/27/2023