100. Racial Health and Futurity Otherwise: Against Recursivity

Nadine Ehlers, University of Sydney; Shiloh Krupar, Georgetown University;

In Dear Science and Other Stories (2021, 74), Katherine McKittrick challenges us to 'call into question a system of knowledge that delights in accumulation by dispossession and profits from ecocidal and genocidal practices.' She goes on to state that 'if we do not produce and share stories that honor modes of humanness that cannot and will not replicate this system, we are doomed.' This panel calls for examinations of a) practices related to racial(ized) health care and/or technologies that imperil life-in an ecodial or genocidal sense-even while they might claim or aim to alleviate race-based disparities and b) how those practices are inseparable from accumulation and profit-at the expense of or through dispossession of racialized bodies and communities. The panel aims to puts into conversation papers that note how such practices operate recursively, to map out the same futures again and again. Importantly, however, we seek to foreground various ways that racially minoritized communities produce modes of humanness that labor against recursivity to forge the futurity of racial health and life otherwise.

Contact: nadine.ehlers@gmail.com, srk34@georgetown.edu

Keywords: Medicine and Healthcare, Decolonial and Postcolonial STS, Race/Black Studies and STS, Feminist STS

Published: 04/07/2023