118. Local Resistance to Big Science: The Role of Place Attachment

Anna-Lena Rueland, Leiden University; Simcha Jong, Leiden University;

Big Science proponents tend to frame large-scale research infrastructures as a 'win-win' for all stakeholders, including local communities. The latter, however, may not always be in favor of hosting a Big Science infrastructure. There are several reasons why local communities may oppose Big Science. Most studies on the local impact of Big Science contend that a lack of socio-economic benefits to the local community or health and safety concerns trigger opposition to Big Science. Departing from these studies, this panel is interested in exploring the role of 'place attachment' in local resistance to Big Science. It defines 'place attachment' as the emotional bonds between people and places, where place refers to space that has been given meaning through personal, group or cultural processes. In this panel we ask: What do bonds between people and places which are meant to or already host Big Science look like in different local or national contexts? In what ways may Big Science infringe on how individuals experience a cherished place and which actions do they take to protect such a place? Can Big Science ever be 'place enhancing' and if so, under which conditions? Submissions which explore these questions in the context of Hawai'i are particularly welcome. References Agrell, Wilhelm. 2012. "Framing Prospects and Risk in the Public Promotion of ESS Scandinavia." Science and Public Policy 39 (4): 429-438. Vorkinn, Marit, and Hanne Riese. 2001. "Environmental Concern in a Local Context: The Significance of Place Attachment." Environment and Behavior 33 (2): 249-263.

Contact: a.n.ruland@sbb.leidenuniv.nl, s.jong.kon.chin@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

Keywords: Infrastructure, Big Science; Local Resistance

Published: 04/07/2023