166. Emergence, trajectories, and agendas of the STS field around the globe

Noela Invernizzi, Universidade Federal do Paraná; Luciano Levin, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; Amilcar Davyt, Universidad de la República;

Although conventional STS history locates its origins in Europe and the United States, and despite these regions concentrate the mainstream theoretical production of the field, the critical discussion on science, technology, and society transcends such spaces. Recent initiatives to transnationalize STS made visible a plurality of trajectories, uncovering conceptual and empirical contributions from Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. However, the histories, dynamics, and specificities of STS studies in different latitudes are still little known. In Euro-America, studies have focused on the origin of the field rather than its evolution. In Latin America, there are only few works, carried out by a scant number of authors. In Asia, the EASTS journal prompted some reflective work. This panel aims to promote transnational knowledge, discussion, and reflection on the STS field, inviting contributions that, from diverse methodologies, and spanning national, regional, or global scales, address some of the following questions: - The history of the emergence and trajectories of the STS field; - The strategies of institutionalization in universities, scientific societies, journals, and conferences; - The dynamics of research agendas; - The endogenous concepts developed in different spaces, and the transfer, translation, and adaptation of concepts from other spaces; - The connection of conceptual developments with the resolution of local/regional problems; - The linkage of STS research with social movements; - The role of STS in the formulation of public policies in different national and supranational contexts; - The influence of STS thinking in basic and university education.

Contact: noela.invernizzi@gmail.com, llevin@unrn.edu.ar, amilcardavyt@gmail.com

Keywords: Transnational STS, STS field, STS genealogies, STS agendas

Published: 04/07/2023