Rodolfo Hernandez, Texas Tech University;

This panel explores conceptual aspects of spatial reconfigurations in multiple physical and human geographies. From ontological transformations of the notion of space to the interactions of traditional dichotomies like the urban/rural, the global North/South, the local/transnational. We propose to discuss how STS research and thinking is coping with the overarching approach to space as a category and the spatial as an object of study, especially in the novel relations between entities, scales, and communities. In summary, we encourage submissions of finished, ongoing, or exploratory works that engage in participatory, feminist, or ecologist approaches and rethinking the intersection between space, ecologies, and human-environmental interactions. Case studies incorporating participatory land planning, feminist urbanism, disability studies, and the inclusion of AI and technological devices challenging traditional concepts are especially welcome to participate in the discussion.

Contact: rodolfo.hernandez@ttu.edu

Keywords: Urban STS, Method and Practice, Environmental/Multispecies Studies, spatial/geographical analysis; political ecology; land planning; participatory methods; feminist STS

Published: 04/07/2023