Adelaide-ANU ARC Training Centre for Future Crops PhD Scholarships

Dear all: 

Hope this finds you well! The ARC Training Centre for Future Crops Development, for which I am a CI working together with Emily Buddle as a postdoc at Adelaide and Joan Leach at ANU, currently has a PhD scholarship round open. Within our Program 2, we are particularly looking for potential applicants who are interested in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and in regulation, but are open to talking to anyone interested in the social and ethical aspects of RRI and/or regulation of emerging technologies. 

Scholarships are open to both domestic and international students, and applicants should hold a four-year undergraduate degree with honours in a relevant field. Basic applications (expressions of interest) should be made via the Centre itself (see link on the above website) by April 28, and from there we will engage with eligible candidates to support them to make formal applications to either ANU or University of Adelaide. Commencement date is somewhat flexible within the next 6-10 months.

We are more than happy to talk to anyone who might interested, so please direct them to us! We also would be grateful if you could share this opportunity amongst your colleagues, peers, and networks.

Best Rachel, Emily, and Joan


Dr Rachel A. Ankeny FASSA

Professor, School of Humanities
The University of Adelaide Napier Building Adelaide SA 5005 AUSTRALIA

Published: 04/17/2023