Recent Member Publications - May 2023 update

  1. Alberto Ortiz Diaz, Raising the Living Dead: Rehabilitative Corrections in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean (University of Chicago Press) 
  2. Alexandra H. Vinson, A 'Social Science of Solutions' for Healthcare (Contexts)
  3. Andrés Domínguez Hernández, Self-updating Prophecies: An Inquiry into Imagining and Building Decentralized Sensor Networks (Science, Technology, & Human Values)
  4. Andrew S. Lea, Digitizing Diagnosis: Medicine, Minds, and Machines in Twentieth-Century America (Johns Hopkins University Press)
  5. Anne Pasek, Hunter Vaughan, and Nicole Starosielski, The world wide web of carbon: Toward a relational footprinting of information and communications technology's climate impacts (Big Data & Society)
  6. Anne Pasek, Cindy Kaiying Lin, Zane Griffin Talley Cooper, and Jordan B. Kinder, Digital Energetics (University of Minnesota Press)
  7. Burcu Baykurt and Alphoncina Lyamuya, Making up the predictable border: How bureaucracies legitimate data science techniques (New Media and Society)
  8. Dasom Lee and David J. Hess, Public Concerns and Connected and Automated Vehicles: Safety, Privacy, and Security (Nature)
  9. David Guston, Making the Most of the 'Ethical and Societal Considerations' in the CHIPS and Science Act (Issues in Science and Technology)
  10. David Hess and Kaelee Belletto, Knowledge Conflicts: The Strategic Use and Effects of Expertise in Social Movements (Sociological Inquiry)
  11. David S. Caudill, Expertise in Crisis: The Ideological Contours of Pubic Science Controversies (Bristol University Press)
  12. Dimitris Papadopoulos, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, and Maddalena Tacchetti, Ecological Reparation. Repair, Remediation and Resurgence in Social and Environmental Conflict (Bristol University Press)
  13. Amanda Domingues, Drownproofed Bodies: The Cold War University and the Implicit Objectives of Science (Journal of the Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science)
  14. Gwen Ottinger, Careful Knowing as an Aspect of Environmental Justice (Environmental Politics)
  15. Hannah Star Rogers, Art, Science, and the Politics of Knowledge (MIT Press)
  16. Isabel Fletcher, Catherine Lyall, and Christian Pohl, Embracing heterogeneity: Why plural understandings strengthen interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (Science and Public Policy)
  17. Jennifer Gabrys, Citizens of Worlds: Open-Air Toolkits for Environmental Struggle (University of Minnesota Press)
  18. Jia Hui Lee, Colonial rodent control in Tanganyika and the application of ecological frameworks (Annals of Science)
  19. Laura A. Meek, Chakachua Pharmaceuticals and Fugitive Science (Medical Anthropology Quarterly)
  20. Laura A. Meek and Abigail H. Neely, Beyond the Limits: Medicine, Healing, and Medical Anthropology (Medical Anthropology Quarterly)
  21. Lee Claiborne Nelson, Attending to Latour's Militaristic Rhetoric and Politics 'With Other Means' (Perspectives on Science)
  22. Leona Nikolić, An astrological genealogy of artificial intelligence: From ‘pseudo-sciences’ of divination to sciences of prediction (European Journal of Cultural Studies)
  23. Manolis Simos, Konstantinos Konstantis, Konstantinos Sakalis and Aristotle Tympas, “‘AI Can Be Analogous to Steam Power’ or from the ‘Postindustrial Society’ to the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’: An Intellectual History of Artificial Intelligence” (ICON: Journal of the International Committee of the History of Technology)
  24. Michal Nahman and Christina Weis, Redefining Bioavailability Through Migrant Egg Donors in Spain (Body and Society)
  25. Mike Fortun, Genomics with care: Minding the double binds of science (Duke University Press)
  26. Oliver L. Haimson and Megh Marathe, Uncovering Personal Histories: A Technology-Mediated Approach to Eliciting Reflection on Identity Transitions (ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction)
  27. Patrick Baur and Alastair Iles, Inserting machines, displacing people: how automation imaginaries for agriculture promise ‘liberation’ from the industrialized farm (Agriculture and Human Values)
  28. Raquel Ajates, From land enclosures to lab enclosures: digital sequence information, cultivated biodiversity and the movement for open source seed systems (Journal of Peasant Studies)
  29. Ricardo Roque and Warwick Anderson, eds., Imagined Racial Laboratories: Colonial and National Racialisations in Southeast Asia (Brill)
  30. Dominique Robert and Martin Dufresne, Debating pesticides use in the indeterminate world (Environmental Science & Policy)
  31. Sharon Heung, Mahika Phutane, Shiri Azenkot, Megh Marathe, and Aditya Vashistha, Nothing Micro About It: Examining Ableist Microaggressions on Social Media (ASSETS '22: Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility)
  32. Shiv Issar, Walking simulators and an ethics of care: An essay (Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds)
  33. Stefan Helmreich, Natasha Myers, Sophia Roosth, and Michael Rossi, What Is Life? (Spector Books)
  34. Suzana Sawyer, The Small Matter of Suing Chevron (Duke University Press)
  35. Tess Doezema, The promise of ELSI: coproducing the future of life on earth (Science as Culture)
  36. Vaishnav Kameswaran, Vidhya Y, and Megh Marathe, Advocacy as Access Work: How People with Visual Impairments Gain Access to Digital Banking in India (Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction)
  37. Warwick Anderson, Fabricating Science and Technology Studies in the Philippines (Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints)

If you would like to feature a recent publication on a future edition of this monthly list, please use this form. Access is restricted to the 4S community. 

Published: 05/14/2023