Engaging Design and STS in Narrative Frameworks: A Storytelling Workshop

Engaging Design and STS in Narrative Frameworks: A Storytelling Workshop

Submitter: Li Zheng, Georgia Institute of Technology, elise901@gatech.edu

The area of engineering and design is heavily problem oriented, and the linear model of technological development (“technological fix”) undermines the cultural and social factors of innovation, and ignores various social consequences, many of them unintended, in the process of invention and implementation of new technologies. The current models of responsible design/innovation need diversification of toolkits, approaches, and exploratory elements to effectively delivery their outcomes. The Technology Storytelling Workshop is designed and operated to harness the power of storytelling to help design major students to capture the multi-fold, complex and entangled relationship between technological innovation and its social impact. The storytelling framework comprises of various stakeholders, practices/experiences, and connections, which can help target groups draw out the pathways of impact as outlines of story, highlight the rich context, and break down the complexities into tangible, digestible pieces. By using the framework, one can bring in different perspectives of technology, innovation and design to better capture and leverage certain technological impact.

Areas of STS Scholarship: Forms and practices of expertise, University-Society relations, Method and Practice

Li Zheng, Georgia Institute of Technology

Published: 10/03/2023