Global Classroom, Critical Pedagogy and Decolonial STS Praxis

Global Classroom, Critical Pedagogy and Decolonial STS Praxis
Submitter: Sean Ferguson,
This session invites critical reflection and collaborative opportunities for STS teaching across geographic and disciplinary boundaries. We share experiments in Global Classrooms (GCs) emerging from concern over global crises in pandemic teaching conditions. We invite participants teaching or showing interest in critical global classroom pedagogy--developed through transformative, co-production of theory and methods bringing students, faculty, and interlocutors together across diverse sites of interests and obligations. In advance of the conference, outreach with groups overlapping GC practices, relations, and interest will help build a digital archive showcasing our approaches. Table visitors can look through the collected artifacts, comment on and take away teaching materials, converse on the conceptual underpinnings of GCs, and upload their own work. Session organizers will host short learning activities from our exploration of the intertwined crises of education, environment, and epistemic injustice. Visitors can take part in, gaining practical, hands-on sense of different pedagogical approaches. Our panel commitments to destabilizing traditional classroom models, drawing from critical pedagogy, STS scholarship, anthropology, sustainable development, and engineering ethics. Each creates trans-national, culturally diverse, multi-scalar real-time, real-world learning experiences connecting the Global North and South. We hope the experience and archive support ongoing work on these issues within the STS community.
Areas of STS Scholarship: Transnational STS, Environmental/Multispecies Studies, Method and Practice
Sean Ferguson
Sharon Tsai-hsuan Ku, University of Virginia
Kim Fortun, University of California Irvine
Liao Miao, Changsha University of Science and Technology
Xianghong Wu, Material Science and Engineering Department, Shandong University, China
Dana E Powell, Appalachian State University
Rebecca Witter, Sustainable Development Department, Appalachian State University


Published: 10/03/2023