Navigating Hybridity, Together: A Co-Created Artwork With Art/Tech/Nature/Culture
Navigating Hybridity, Together: A Co-Created Artwork With Art/Tech/Nature/Culture
Submitter: Kit Braybrooke, Technische Universität Berlin,
How can hybridity foster new means of social and ecological regeneration in an increasingly uncertain world? This artistic engagement explores experiences of working and living in-between worlds through the co-creation of a live generative artwork that combines material and digital forms into a dynamic collage of earthly cooperation. Participants of 4S/ECOSITE are invited to contribute to the artwork by creating a piece of it on paper which explores their experiences of hybridity, which will then be handed to another participant to complete, illustrating the many opportunities and challenges of existing in between disciplines, cultures, practices, and paradigms. The process of building and exhibiting this artwork will be curated by Art/Tech/Nature/Culture (ATNC), a transnational community of practice for those who explore the creative possibilities of ecological regeneration. We look for opportunities to build new ways forward in precarious times by transforming the many inequalities of the status quo. Our ways of addressing this are as diverse as our individual backgrounds, but we are united by a shared interest in using creative practices across disciplines (from arts, design, culture, and hacking to science, technology, and activism) to explore alternative futures that rethink, rebuild, and heal.
Areas of STS Scholarship: Disciplines and the social organization of science and technology, Environmental/Multispecies Studies, Transnational STS
Authors/Participants: Kit Braybrooke, Technische Universität Berlin
Ann Light, University of Sussex