Associate Professor in Science & Technology Studies: STS 

Job description

One (1) permanent position is available at the TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture for an Associate Professor in Science and Technology Studies (STS). Applicants who are qualified for full professorship can be promoted after a formal review process once they have taken up their position.

The successful candidate will be expected to initiate and lead research within Science and Technology Studies (STS), to acquire external funding to research projects in this area, to supervise Ph.D. and MA candidates, to coordinate and participate in teaching, exam work and evaluation at both levels, to carry out administrative work in accordance with the needs of the Centre, as well as contribute to the on-going work of building, sustaining and leading the Centre’s research and teaching portfolio.

The associate professor will be expected to participate in developing the Centre´s STS-research group “Science, Technology and Culture”. Science and technology are studied as cultural and material practices that are shaped by society and crucial in the production of social and political reality.

It is expected that the successful candidate will participate in research and other activities that are relevant to the STS group’s academic profile (see the web page The STS group - TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (

Applicants who do not have basic pedagogical competencies must acquire such within the first two years of employment. The master and PhD programmes are taught in Norwegian and English. Non Norwegian/Scandinavian speaking appointees will be required to complete organized language training leading up to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level B2/”Bergenstest” within two years. Appointees are expected to acquire sufficient knowledge of a Scandinavian language to be able to participate actively in all aspects of departmental life within three years. Language training will be provided by the University.

Residence in the greater Oslo area is required.

Qualification requirements and assessment criteria

The successful candidate must have the following qualifications:

In addition to the above, the following qualifications will be given particular weight in the assessment:

In the assessment of the qualified candidates, all criteria listed above will be explicitly addressed and assessed. Applicants will be evaluated based on their documented academic qualifications as well as qualifications in teaching, management and administration.

The department’s overall needs will be part of the considerations made in the hiring process.

Interviews will be part of the appointment process, along with a trial lecture.

The appointment process

A screening committee will invite a limited number of candidates (“short list”) to submit a portfolio of academic work (i.e. up to five publications) that are particularly relevant for the position. Academic texts shall therefore not be enclosed with the application. In relation to larger volumes (monographs), the selected applicants should specify particular parts of the publication for review. After first assessing the candidates’ formal documented competence in STS, the screening committee will assess candidates for the short list based on documented track record in publishing, in teaching and supervision and with regards to documented ability to acquire external research funding.

An expert committee will then assess and rank the short-listed candidates as the basis for an appointment decision by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

We offer

How to apply

The application should include:

Questions about the position

Kristin Asdal, Professor and Centre Director;

Inger-Johanne Ullern, Head of Administration;

Published: 12/15/2023