PhD candidates 'Vet Values' University of Amsterdam

The University of Amsterdam is currently seeking three PhD candidates for my ERC-funded project: Farm animal value-scapes: Veterinarians and the contrasting values of European livestock production (or *VetValues*).
The PhD candidates will do fieldwork in the Netherlands, Sweden or Italy.

VetValues is a comparative ethnographic study of how European livestock farming juggles food security and economic viability with mounting concerns about biodiversity loss and global warming, the development of
antimicrobial resistance and zoonotic diseases, and the compromised welfare needs of farm animals. The project focuses on veterinarians, professionals at the heart of the institutional and regulatory arrangements that shape
the politics and governance of human and farm animal life. Through the concept of value-scapes, we will explore how values are enacted in care practices and embedded in regulatory frameworks, veterinary knowledge,
landscapes, animal bodies, barns and farming traditions.

Read more about the positions here

Application deadline is 15 February.

I would very much appreciate it if you shared this position in your network. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to know more about the project.

Thank you and all best,

Else Vogel
Assistant Professor in Anthropology
University of Amsterdam

Published: 01/18/2024