Editor(s), Open-Access Journal Engaging Science, Technology, and Society

Publications Call for Nominations and Proposals

Society for Social Studies of Science

The Publications Committee of the Society for Social Studies of Science solicits nominations and proposals for Editor(s) to lead the 4S-sponsored diamond open access journal, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS - https://estsjournal.org). ESTS is a vibrant peer-reviewed venue for addressing how science and technology infuse the world in which we live.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed content in both long-form and short-form genres: original research articles, thematic collections, engagements, perspectives, and research data. Content is organized into three issues annually, and includes work that represents the full range of 4S scholarship.

Thanks to the financial support of the 4S community, ESTS is a Diamond Open Access journal, meaning, it does not charge fees to either authors or readers. We believe this is significant for knowledge equity as it ensures that authors and readers around the world can both access and contribute research outputs to the STS scholarly commons regardless of location or institutional affiliation. 4S Council envisions ESTS and its editorial leadership will continue playing a formative role in developing and experimenting with open access scholarly communication. The society supports the operation of ESTS through paid staff, including a Managing Editor, two Assistant Editors, and an Open Data Editor.

Given the increasing transnational character of STS scholarship, the 4S Council has a preference for an Editorial Collective that is well placed to attend to different intellectual traditions, geographic emplacements and career-stages within the field, as well as a vision for how to support the growth of transnational scholarship. Additionally, the Editor or the majority of the members of the Editorial Collective should hold a secure position at an academic or research institution, demonstrate editorial or very closely related experience, have strong organizational skills, and have support from their home institution for editorial tasks. Editorial duties, selection procedures, and guidelines for institutional support can be found below.

The editor(s) will be appointed for a 3-year term, which may be renewed for an additional 2 years.

Evaluation of proposals will begin March 31, 2025.

We welcome expressions of interest and nominations as soon as possible. Potential candidates are encouraged to talk to the current Editor-in-Chief Aalok Khandekar (aalok@la.iith.ac.in) about the journal’s operations before finalizing a proposal. Potential candidates are also welcomed to contact Publications Committee Chair Nicole Nelson (nicole.nelson@wisc.edu) for advice on crafting their proposal. For any individuals or small groups who are interested in ESTS editorial work but do not yet have a fully-formed team, Nelson is happy to facilitate conversations to foster the development of well-rounded editorial teams.

The formal proposal (preferred length around 2000 words excluding CVs and narrative bios) should include: Selection Process: The Search Committee will review all proposals, and make a recommendation to the 4S Council. Results of the selection process will be communicated to proposers no later than April 30, 2025. The preferred start date for the new Editor(s) is flexible, but a start date in the second half of 2025 is preferred to allow for a period of overlap between the incoming Editor(s) and the outgoing Editorial Collective (whose term will conclude at the end of 2025).

Finalized applications should be submitted to Nicole Senter (nicole.senter@wisc.edu). People from groups underrepresented in the Society for Social Studies of Science are strongly encouraged to apply.


Editorial Details and Duties

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society

The Editor(s) should:

Published: 01/17/2025