This policy outlines procedures for the selection of locations for future 4S meetings. The Society hopes to promote openness and accountability in how meetings are organized, aligned with the Society’s objectives and overall mission to further STS scholarship globally. This policy was constructed collectively through Council discussions on how to best conduct the selection of locations and how to reimagine the future of 4S meetings post-Covid. Those discussions called for more transparency and fairness in the selection process and raised concerns about the role of site selection in the financial health of 4S. This policy will be effective immediately, and will orient the organization of meetings to be held in 2028 onwards.
Conference locations will be decided by the 4S Council, which will vote on proposals submitted through open calls. Calls will be opened annually or when Council decides they are needed. Locations will be decided on at least 2 years before meeting dates to guarantee adequate time for planning and discussion with the STS community. Each call may select one or more locations, as deliberated by Council.
Proposals may be submitted by any 4S members. They may be submitted by one or more academic institutions and may involve one or more partnerships with other STS associations in specific countries.
2. Structure
1. Conference location – A brief description of the place (city, country), also indicating potential venues (e.g. hotels, conference centers, campus, etc.). This section could briefly mention existing infrastructure (for instance transport infrastructure like airports, international flight connections, visa requirements) and potential collaboration with local universities and other academic associations (e.g. EASST, ESOCITE, APSTSN, etc.);
2. Conference chairs – The conference chairs, and if possible some members of the organizing committee should be indicated, establishing those responsible for the overall planning and curating of the meeting. The chairs will liaise with 4S leadership throughout the planning process and will be also responsible for submitting a report at the end of the conference outlining that meeting’s statistics, financial and other reports relevant to the Society and membership;
3. Site justification – briefly discuss potential synergies with local communities, local STS scholarship, the political situation, accessibility and other aspects the organizers find relevant and which may impact the conference.
For the Council's internal debates:
Council should plan to publish calls for future sites on a regular basis, in order to allow for proper time for sites to plan ahead and discuss with 4S all relevant aspects of the conference.
3. Criteria for selecting proposals:
Council will vote to decide on one or more proposals for future conferences, based on open calls. Selection will be based on the following criteria:
1. Viability: the conference sites are clearly described and justified, responsibilities between partners and 4S are laid out and are fair to all parties. Conference chairs seem able to lead a conference given their previous experience, academic credentials, etc.;
2. Location: In line with 4S’s aims to be a global society, locations will be selected so as to promote diversity (including North America, Europe and other continents) and inclusivity in terms of global STS scholarship.
3. Responsibility: conference proposals should take into account in their planning: gender equality and diversity, potential environmental impacts, context-specific political situations, accessibility.