Collated by the 4S Working Group on War and Genocide
With thanks to Sophia Stamatopoulous-Robbins’s collection on Land, Water and Environmental in Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Stamatopoulous-Robbins, Sophia. 2020. “Essential Reading: Land, Water and Environmental in Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories.” Jadaliyya, Dec 2. Retrieved from
Algorithms & Technology of War and Occupation in Palestine - Israel
Stamatopoulous-Robbins, Sophia. Waste Siege: The Life of Infrastructure in Palestine. Stanford University Press. 2019.
Alatout, Samer. 2009. “The Israeli Separation Wall and Technologies of Government: the Double Construction of Geographies of Peace and Conflict.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99 (5): 956-968.
Alatout, Samer. 2009. “Bringing abundance back into environmental politics: Constructing a Zionist Network of Abundance, Immigration, and Colonization, 1918-1948.” Social Studies of Science 39 (3): 363-394.
Alatout, Samer. 2008. “‘States’ of Scarcity: Water, Space, and Identity Politics in Israel, 1948-1959.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26 (6): 959-982.
Alatout, Samer. 2008. “Locating the fragments of the state and their limits: water policymaking in Israel during the 1950s.” Journal of Israel Studies Forum 23 (summer): 40-65.
Alatout, Samer. 2007. “State-ing natural resources through law: the codification and articulation of water scarcity and citizenship in Israel.” Arab World Geographers 10(1): 16-37.
Alatout, Samer. 2007. “From abundance to scarcity (1936-1959): a ‘fluid’ history of Jewish subjectivity in historic Palestine and Israel.” In Reapproaching the border: new perspectives on the study of Palestine/Israel, edited by Mark LeVine and Sandy Sufian. New York: Rowan Publishers.
Alatout, Samer. 2006. “Towards a bio-territorial conception of power: territory, population, and environmental narratives in Palestine and Israel.” Political Geography 25 (6): 601-621.
Tesdell, Omar. 2017. “Wild Wheat to Productive Drylands: Global Scientific Practice and the Agroecological Remaking of Palestine.” Geoforum 78: 43–51.
Natalia Gutkowski. 2020. “Bodies that count: Administering multispecies in Palestine/Israel’s borderlands.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.
Braverman, Irus. 2023. Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel. University of Minnesota Press.
Tawil-Souri, Helga. 2022. “Speculation on infrastructural ecology: Pigeons, Gaza, and internet access.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40(6): 1064-1081.
Meiton, Fredrik. 2016. Electrifying Jaffa: Boundary-Work and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Past & Present 231(1): 201-236. doi:10.1093/pastj/gtw002
Meiton, Fredrik. 2015. The Radiance of the Jewish National Home: Technocapitalism, Electrification, and the Making of Modern Palestine. Comparative Studies in Society and History 57(4): 975-1006. doi:10.1017/s0010417515000419
Mapping Palestine for Occupation
Leuenberger, Christine and Izhak Schnell. 2020. The Politics of Maps: Cartographic Constructions of Israel/Palestine. Oxford University Press.
Bier, Jess. 2017. Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine: How Occupied Landscapes Shape Scientific Knowledge. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Leuenberger, Christine. 2016. "Maps as Politics: Mapping the West Bank Barrier." Journal of Borderlands Studies: 1-26
Leuenberger, Christine and Ahmad Al-Atrash. 2015. "Building a Neo-liberal Palestinian State under Closure: The Economic and Spatial Implications of Walls and Barriers.” Economic Sociology European Electronic Newsletter 16(2): 21-31. Retrieved from
Weizman, Eyal. 2014. Rebel Architecture: The Architecture of Violence. Retrieved from
Leuenberger, Christine. 2013. "Map-Making for Palestinian State-Making", Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe 16(1): 54-74.
Leuenberger, Christine. 2011. "The West Bank Wall as Canvas: Art and Graffiti in Palestine/Israel." Palestine-Israel Journal: Jerusalem - In the Eye of the Storm 17 (1&2). Retrieved from
Leuenberger, Christine and Izhak Schnell. 2010. "The Politics of Maps: Constructing National Territories in Israel.” Social Studies of Science 40(6): 803-842. Also published Online First, September 1, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0306312710370377. Retrieved from
Media Technologies
Aouragh, Miriyam. 2023. “Resisting Cybercide, Strengthening Solidarity: Standing up to Israel’s Digital Occupation,” In For Palestine: Essays from the Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture Group edited by Ian Parker. OpenBook Publishers. pp. 211-220
Tawil-Souri, Helga. 2016. “Technology's Borders: The United States, Palestine, and Egypt's Digital Connections” in American Studies Encounters the Middle East edited by Alex Lubin and Marwan Kraidy. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
Tawil-Souri, Helga. 2015. “Cellular Borders: Dis/connecting Phone Calls in Israel-Palestine,” In Signal traffic: Critical studies of media infrastructures edited by Lisa Parks and Nicole Starosielski, pp. 157-180. University of Illinois Press.
Tawil-Souri, Helga and Aouragh, Miriyam. 2014. “Intifada 3.0? Cyber Colonialism and Palestinian Resistance.” Arab Studies Journal XXII (1): 102-133.
Aouragh, Miriyam. 2013. “Between Cybercide and Cyber Intifada: Technologic (dis-)empowerment of Palestinian Activism,” In Media and Political Contestation in the Contemporary Arab World: A Decade of Change edited by Lena Jayyushi and Anne Sofie Roald. Palgrave Macmillian. Retrieved from:
Aouragh, Miriyam. 2011. Palestine Online: Transnationalism, the Internet and the Construction of Identity. London I.B. Tauris.
Aouragh, Miriyam. 2011. “Confined Offline, Traversing Online Palestinian Mobility Through the Prism of the Internet.” Mobilities 6(3): 375-397.
Aouragh, Miriyam. 2008. “Everyday Resistance on the Internet: The Palestinian Context.” Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research 1 (2): 109-130.