Open Educational Resources for STEM: Stimulating Reflection on Gender in Science and Technology

Goede Both, HU Berlin; Smilla Ebeling, HU Berlin; Sigrid Schmitz, HU Berlin

virPrague 20: Experiments in Collaboration and Critical Participation

Our online portal Gendering MINT digital features a collection of open educational resources (OER) tailored to biology, chemistry, computer science, and physics students. These courses share a common emphasis on gender in STEM epistemic practices and cultures. STEM educators may enrich their teaching with insights from STS and Gender Studies. The portal also includes cross-disciplinary OERs on gender in technoscientific literacy and basic concepts from gender studies. Another course provides insights for gender equity actors and early-career researchers in STEM. The portal also offers a collection of statements from experts in STEM disciplines about gender research in their field. Our contribution to the virtual Making & Doing Session consists of two phases. In phase 1, we will give the virtual conference attendees the opportunity to explore selected parts of our online portal Gendering MINT digital. In phase 2, we will hold an interactive session. Building on attendees’ experiences with our OER — but not limited to them –, we will engage in discussions over potentials and challenges of developing and using OER. For example, with inverted classroom and self-learning didactics, STEM students may embark on subjects that are rarely part of STEM curricula. Tailoring our OER to STEM students involves simplification. How can we inflict reflections on gender relations without re-activating binary gender stereotypes?

See exhibit.