Over 140 open panel proposals have been accepted for the Cholula meeting. The purpose of calling for Open Panel proposals is to stimulate the formation of new networks around topics of interest to the STS community. Open panels have been proposed by scholars working in nearly every continent and relating to just about every major STS theme.

When submitting papers to open panels on the abstract submission platform, you will select the Open Panel you are submitting to. Papers submitted to an open panel will be reviewed by the open panel organizer(s) and will be given first consideration for that session.

Also at the time of submission, you will also be asked to nominate two alternative open panel preferences for your paper. In the event that your paper is not included in the open panel of your first preference it will be considered for the alternative panels indicated in your submission.


Se han aceptado más de 140 propuestas de paneles abiertos para la conferencia de Cholula. El objetivo de la convocatoria de propuestas de paneles abiertos es estimular la formación de nuevas redes en torno a temas de interés para la comunidad CTS. Los paneles abiertos han sido propuestos por académicos que trabajan en casi todos los continentes y que se relacionan con casi todos los temas principales del campo.

Al presentar ponencias en la plataforma de presentación de resúmenes, deberá seleccionar el panel abierto al que se presenta. Los trabajos presentados a un panel abierto serán revisados por el organizador o los organizadores de dicho panel y serán considerados en primer lugar para esa sesión.

También en el momento de la presentación, se le pedirá que designe dos preferencias de panel abierto alternativas para su ponencia. En caso de que su ponencia no se incluya en el panel abierto de su primera preferencia, se tendrá en cuenta para los paneles alternativos indicados en su presentación.


Mais de 140 propostas de painéis abertos foram aceitas para a conferência Cholula. O objetivo do chamado para propostas de painel aberto é estimular a formação de novas redes em torno de temas de interesse para a comunidade STS. Os painéis abertos foram propostos por acadêmicos que trabalham em quase todos os continentes, e se relacionam com quase todos os principais tópicos da área.

Ao submeter trabalhos sobre a plataforma de submissão de resumos, você precisará selecionar o painel aberto ao qual você está submetendo. Os trabalhos submetidos a um painel aberto serão analisados pelo(s) organizador(es) desse painel e serão considerados primeiro para essa sessão.

Também no momento da submissão, você será solicitado a designar duas preferências alternativas de painel aberto para seu trabalho. Caso seu trabalho não esteja incluído no painel aberto de sua primeira preferência, ele será considerado para os painéis alternativos indicados em sua apresentação.

82. More-than-human Whiteness

Tiago Saraiva, Drexel University; Mara Dicenta, William & Mary

What d...

1. Abysmal infrastructures. Energy communities in the maintenance, repairing, improvement, or abandonment

Gloria Baigorrotegui, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados – Usach; Cecilia Iba...

2. AI and inequalities in medicine and health care: global perspectives

Achim Rosemann, De Montfort University, UK; Xinqing Zhang, Peking Union Medical ...

3. AI, Cyborgs, Robots and Religion

W.E. King, University of Washington

Eurocentric theories of humans and so...

4. Altering Food, Animals and Environment: Comparing Competing Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Gene Editing

Theresa Selfa, SUNY ESF Environmental Studies; Tomiko Yamaguchi, International C...

5. América Latina ¿viajará a las estrellas?

Daniel Vizuete, FLACSO Ecuador

La presencia de satélites, astronau...

6. Another Research is Possible: Realizing Community Engaged Critical Research

Gretchen Lynn Gano, Prescott College; Mary Poole, Prescott College; Emily Affolt...

7. Antibiotic trajectories: exploring global connections of antibiotic production and distribution

Heidi E. Fjeld, University of Oslo; Mingyuan Zhang, University of Oslo


8. Applying The Coloniality Lens To International Collaboration In Higher Education

Nora Engel, Maastricht University; Anja Krumeich, Maastricht University


9. Artificial Intelligence, Health and Knowledge: Data Infrastructures for the Life Itself

Kaya Akyüz, University of Vienna; Mónica Cano Abadía, BBMRI-E...

10. Arts, Cultures, Cultural Industries and Heritages: Shifting Objects for STS

Mylène Tanferri, Université de Lausanne; Tatiana Smirnova, UNIL; F...

11. Automated Progress? Questioning Techno-optimistic Projections For Automation and the Future of Work.

Patrick Baur, University of Rhode Island; Alastair Iles, UC Berkeley


12. Better by Degrees? Exploring the Technoscience of Living Together in University Education

Martin Oliver, UCL Institute of Education

While STS scholars have spent d...

13. Beyond Technoscientific Utopias/Dystopias: False Dichotomies on Images of the Future, Socio-technical Imaginaries, and More-than-human Worlds

Dayna Leann Jeffrey, Department of Science & Technology Studies, York Univer...

14. Can the city be edible? Re-imagining the urban commons and urban ecology

Hema Vaishnavi Ale, Transitions Research; Vikrom Mathur, Transitions Research

15. Cerebral Frictions

Denielle a Elliott, York University; Tara Mahfoud, University of Essex; Megh Mar...

16. Chips all the Way Down: Epistemologies and Ontologies of the Microchip

MC Forelle, Cornell University; Zane Griffin Talley Cooper, University of Pennsy...

17. Circulation of knowledge and know-how on big data and artificial intelligence in the global South

Henry Chavez, CEPED/IRD; María Belén Albornoz, FLACSO Latin Americ...

18. Ciudanías Mediadas, Creaciones Intersubjetivas y Procesos de Transición Digital.

Sara Guzman, Universitè de Grenoble; Maria Clara Garavito Gómez, U...

19. Claiming Technology: Nationalism and Knowledge Production in the 21st Century

Anne Warren Johnson, Universidad Iberoamericana Cuidad de Mexico; Sandra Patrici...

20. Climate Infrastructures

Sulfikar Amir, Nanyang Technological University; Jamie Cross, University of Edin...

21. Co-construction of data and communities as forms of life

Jorge Rojas-Alvarez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; juan carlos mor...

22. Co-Creating Public Trust in Science through Responsive Science Communication

Andrey Kozhanov, Higher School Of Economics, Moscow; Konstantin Fursov, The Poly...

23. Communities of Practice: Learning Together for Just Sciences

Emma McKay, McGill University; Carolina Cruz Vinaccia, Myko Social Score Project...

24. Community-Robot Reconfigurations: Living and Working Amidst Autonomy

Elliott Hauser, The University of Texas at Austin; EunJeong Cheon, School of Inf...

25. Computational Modeling as Play

Katherine Buse, The University Of Chicago; Samuel Pizelo, University of Californ...

26. Contagion without Infection: Histories of the epidemiology of psychiatric and non-communicable diseases

Lukas Engelmann, University of Edinburgh; Gladys Kostyrka, University of Edinbur...

27. Controversias públicas sobre ciencias y tecnologías emergentes: abordajes sociotécnicos y diversidad de conocimientos

Eduardo Robles Belmont; Marcela Amaro Rosales, UNAM, IIS; REBECA DE GORTARI RABI...

28. Critical datafication, platformization and algorithmic cultures from Latin America and the Global South

Emiliano Treré, JOMEC Cardiff University

29. Critical Studies of Innovation

Profa. Dra. Carolina Bagattolli (UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paran&aacu...

30. Data Curation + AI: Principled Approaches for Ethical AI Design

Sarah Elaine Bratt, Syracuse University School of Information Studies


31. Data De-Invisibilization: Visualizing the Dark Matter of Networks

Matthew Battles Battles, The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University; Catherine D...

32. Decolonizing the Psychedelic Research Revival

Christine Hauskeller, University of Exeter; Amelia Fiske, Technical University M...

33. Disciplinary boundaries of STS studies: reflecting on its current state and future trajectories

Renato Ponciano, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala; Miguel Muñoz

34. Disentangling the Nature of Compound in Environmental Disasters

Rodolfo Andres Hernandez, Texas Tech University; Jennifer J Henderson, Texas Tec...

35. Disentangling the Politics of Plastics

Erich Hellmer, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Paul Jobin, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Ali...

36. Doing Your Own Research: Legitimacy, Authority and Credibility within Resistant Research Communities

Stacy Wood, University of California Los Angeles; Yvonne Melisande Eadon, Depart...

37. Ecosistemas Abiertos de Aprendizaje, Innovación y Emprendimiento

Fidel Garcia Gonzalez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; ...

38. El giro hermenéutico de las métricas latinoamericanas: experiencias, propuestas y desarrollos en América Latina

Ronald Cancino, Universidad de la Frontera; Luis Antonio Orozco, Universidad Ext...

39. Emancipatory Technopolitics: community practices, alternative infrastructures, and emergent solidarities

Ben Gansky, Arizona State University; Lindsay Adams Smith, Arizona State Univers...

40. Entangling digital inequalities and upheavals

Anastassija Kostan, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy; Christian Spe...

41. Environmental Futures – Promoting Images Of Desirable Human-Nature Relationships

Ludwig Weh, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Lisa Kinne, netzwerk n e.V.

42. Epistemic injustice, social practices of oppression and privilege in the invisibility of the production of knowledge in women

Xenia Anaid Rueda, UNAM; Mónica Gómez, UNAM

Undoubtedly, th...

43. Estado Empresario Y Tecnología En Latinoamérica: Contribuciones De Las Empresas Públicas Al Desarrollo Tecnológico Nacional

Mario Raccanello, Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Polític...

44. Evidence and Perspectives of Social Innovation

José Francisco Romero-Muñoz, Benemérita Universidad Aut&oac...

45. Expanding the Cosmos: Relations with, Recoverings of, and Resistances to Space Sciences and Outer Space

Eleanor Armstrong, University of Delaware; Reka Gal, Faculty of Information, Uni...

46. Exploring STS through Play/Games

Aditya Anupam, Georgia Institute Of Technology

Play is an increasingly po...

47. Extractivismo cognitivo, entre trayectorias de dependencia informacional y tensiones de imaginarios del desarrollismo de plataformas y la convergencia tecnológica

Alejandro Artopoulos, Universidad de San Andrés; Leandro Lepratte, UTN &n...

48. Fermentation in the age of pandemic and the Anthropocene

Aya Hirata Kimura, University of Hawaii

Fermentation and fermented foods ...

49. Fieldstations in periphery territories. Bubble of science.

David DUMOULIN KERVRAN, Sorbonne Nouvelle University – IHEAL; JAN VERLIN, ...

50. Fraught politics of emergence and neglect in Global Health

Bernardo Moreno Peniche, UC Berkeley; Lina Beatriz Pinto-Garcia, Universidad de ...

51. From Using Technology to Wearing and Caring

Chris Hesselbein, Cornell University STS / Politecnico di Milano


52. Fronteras y encuentros: Pensando la historia y los STS desde Latinoamérica y el Caribe (Borders and Encounters: Thinking With History and STS from Latin America and the Caribbean)

Julia E Rodriguez, University of New Hampshire; Karin Rosemblatt, University Of ...

53. Futures imagining and the cultivation of possibility

Horst Rachel, The University of British Columbia; Esteban Morales, The Universit...

54. Gender Equality, Pandemics, And Accelerating Digitalization

Anne-Sophie Godfroy, République des savoirs (CNRS, École Normale S...

55. Género, Feminismos e Innovación para el Desarrollo

María Florencia Trentini; Paula Juarez, Institute of Science and Technolo...

56. Government of / as / by App(s): mobile infrastructures and state power

Nafis Aziz Hasan, The University of Pennsylvania; Sandeep Mertia, New York Unive...

57. Health Emergencies and Reconfigurations of Governance

Michael Rabi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Scholars of Science and ...

58. Holding Complex Encounters: Relating in Difference

Emilia Sanabria, CNRS – CERMES3; Isabel De Rose, CNRS; Silvia Mesturini, C...

59. How Do We Socialize the Lab?

Calvin Wu, Science for the People; Camille Rullán, Science for the People...

60. COVID and Cripistemology: Disability and Knowledge During a Pandemic

Rebecca Monteleone, University of Toledo; Helena Moura Fietz, Rice University; E...

61. Human Rights, Violence(s), and STS

Fredy Mora Gamez, University of Vienna; Julia Morales Fontanilla, Rutgers Univer...

62. Humanitarianism, Technoscience and STS

Noah Tamarkin, Cornell University; Saida Hodžić, Cornell University


63. Impactos y desafíos de la Industria 4.0 en América Latina

Daniel H. Villavicencio C. y Juan M. Graña

La industria 4.0 suele ...

64. Inclusivity and Marginalization Within Innovation Processes

Juan Carlos García Cruz, Cátedras CONACYT/ UAM Xochimilco; Cristia...

65. Indeterminacy, Uncertainty, Potentiality

Jerome Whitington, New York University; Zeynep Oguz, Northwestern University

66. Indigenous Knowledges and Technologies

Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA PUEBLA; Carlos Francisco B...

67. Intelligence-led policing: investigating the Dystopia

Vasilis Galis; Helene Oppen Ingebrigtsen Gundhus, University of Oslo; Vasilis Vl...

68. Interacciones Universidad-Entorno

Amílcar Davyt, Universidad de la Republica; Mariana Eva Di Bello, CONICET...

69. International Scientific Collaborations: New knowledge infrastructures

Simcha Jong, Leiden University; Richelle Boone, Leiden University


70. Justice in Flux: The Moral Challenges of Water and Energy Infrastructures

Udo Pesch, Delft University of Technology; Nynke van Uffelen, TU Delft; Karen Mo...

71. Knowing the underground: Spatial and temporal depth beyond extractvism

Matthaeus Rest, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology; Alessandro Rippa, Rachel Cars...

72. Knowledge production and Cultural Media: Reconfiguring STS

Marina Fontolan, Centro de Estudos em Ciência, Tecnologia, Cultura e Desar...

73. Learning Infrastructures

Jeremy Hunsinger, Wilfrid Laurier University; Zachary J McDowell, University of ...

74. Living With Water: Ethnographic and Methodological Engagements

Shweta Krishnan, George Washington University; Dana Burton, George Washington Un...

75. Lost in Space: Geographies of Ignorance

Abby Kinchy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Scott Frickel, Brown University; ...

76. Making science in public: Studying science communication and public engagement

Noriko Hara, Indiana University; Sarah R Davies, University of Vienna


77. Measuring and Mapping Urban Agriculture

Wythe Marschall, Harvard University, Department of the History of Science; Alice...

78. Medicine Man. Reconfigurations of Masculinity in times of increased Medicalization.

Karen Hvidtfeldt, University of Southern Denmark, Department for the Study of Cu...

79. Methods Sharing in Latin America

Marcel LaFlamme, Public Library of Science; Fernán Federici, Pontificia U...

80. Monitoring from below: Community-directed science and health inequities

Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, UW Seattle; Guillermo Douglass-Jaimes, Pomona College

81. Monsters, Cyborgs, Humans: Trans STS and the Reassembly of Science and Technology

Tristan Gohring, Indiana University – Bloomington

Trans bodies and ...

83. Multilingüismo, Geopolítica y Circulación del Conocimiento

Lucía Céspedes, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura...

84. Multiple futures of energy and mobility transitions: visions, imaginaries and contestation

Marianne Ryghaug, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Tomas Moe Skj&...

85. (New) Territories of Ignorance: what do ignorance studies ignore?

Laura Barbier, CERMES3; Lisa Claussmann, CERMES3 INSERM U988; Justyna Moizard-La...

86. Next-generation blockchain and visions of Web3

Domen Bajde, University of Southern Denmark; Alev Pinar Kuruoglu, University of ...

87. Not Returning To Normal: Examining and Contesting Power in the COVID-19 Era

Jesse Bazzul, University of Regina; Matthew Weinstein, Univ. Of Washington-Tacom...

88. Open Hardware: Perspectives on Open Science Beyond Access to Data and Publications

Julieta Arancio, Drexel University Center for Science, Technology & Society<...

89. Organisms and/as Technologies: Responsibilities and Response-abilities Towards the More-than-human

Maya Hey, Colorado State University; Marie F Turner, Colorado State University; ...

90. Participatory Design in Sustainability Projects

Edward Prutzer, Virginia Tech; Maaz Gardezi, Virginia Tech

In roughly the...

91. Phronetic Science: Morally Guided and Praxis-oriented Science Education

Rouhollah Aghasaleh, Humboldt State University

The recent history of the ...

92. Plantations and Epistemic Imperialism: Between Ecological Form and Enduring Logic

Sophie Marie Helene Chao, The University of Sydney; Alyssa Paredes, University o...

93. Plants, Seeds and Vegetal Beings in STS : Potential Conversations

Mylène Tanferri, Université de Lausanne

This panel offers a...

94. Post Pandemic Academic Reconfigurations

Jorge Nunez, Kaleidos – Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography; Maka Sua...

95. Power After AI: Governmentality in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Fenwick McKelvey, Concordia University (Montreal, CANADA); Jonathan Roberge, Ins...

96. Production, Labor and Digital Technologies in Informational Capitalism. The World and Latin America

Carina Borrastero, CONICET / Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Mariano Zuk...

97. Provincializing Mathematics / Provincializando las/a Matemática/s

Michael J Barany, University of Edinburgh

This open panel asks how to nar...

98. Publish, or Perish. Is that the question?

Paolo Parra Saiani, University of Genoa; Fabrizio Martire, Sapienza, University ...

99. Que conceito vamos usar para designar o conhecimento que precisamos para “adiar o fim do mundo”?

Renato Dagnino, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP; Carolina Bagattolli,...

100. Rearranging And Reconstructing The Animacy Hierarchy

Siri Lamoureaux, University of Siegen, Germany; Meredith Root-Bernstein, CNRS UM...

101. Reconfigurations in Education Research: EDU-STS as an Emerging Field. Reconfiguraciones en la investigación educativa: EDU-STS como campo emergente

Lesley Gourlay, University College London; Radhika Gorur, Deakin University; Cri...

102. Reconfiguring engineering studies… [to what ends?]

Vivian Anette Lagesen, NTNU; Jessica m Smith, Colorado School Of Mines


103. Reconfiguring knowledge production of China in the “new normal”

Yuchen Chen; Chang Liu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Chuncheng LI...

104. Relations Between STS and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD))

ELOY FASSI CASAGRANDE JR, UTFPR; Maclovia Correa da Silva, UTFPR; Libia Patricia...

105. Repair and Maintenance of Media Technologies: A Hybrid Approach

Logan Brown, Indiana University; Marina Fontolan, Centro de Estudos em Ciê...

106. Repair Imaginaries: envisioning and enacting better relations in imperfect worlds

Michelle Kaczmarek, The University of British Columbia; Alissa Centivany, Univer...

107. Responsible Research and Innovation and Animal-based Food Systems: From the Lab to the Meat Production Unit

Stathis Arapostathis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Sophia Efs...

108. Scholarly Communication and Its Infrastructures

Asura Enkhbayar, Simon Fraser Univeristy; Timothy Weil Elfenbein, Community-led ...

109. Science in the city

Hallam Stevens, Nanyang Technological University; Robin Wolfe Scheffler, Massach...

110. Science, Technology and the Collective Good: When and for Whom is Innovation Beneficial?

Ilaria Galasso, University College Dublin; Susi Geiger, University College Dubli...

111. Science, Technology, and Sport

Jennifer Sterling, University of Iowa; Gian Marco Campagnolo, University of Edin...

112. Security Technologies, or, How to Live With Others

Angela Smith, UNSW Sydney; Sonia Qadir, UNSW; Siddharth Narrain, UNSW


113. Seeking Arrangements: Transactional Care in Machine-Mediated Worlds

Beth Semel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Mitali Thakor, Wesleyan...

114. Smart City Governance

Surajit Chakravarty, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi; Jocelyn Cranefield, V...

115. Social Care

Cian O’Donovan, University College London

Social care will be criti...

116. Social robots and care: promises and pitfalls

Boris Hauray, Inserm; NAONORI KODATE, University College Dublin; Sébastie...

117. Social Solidarity in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ashali Bhandari, Transitions Research; Vikrom Mathur, Transitions Research

118. Speculation in our eyes: fictions for thinking about STS

Juan Felipe Guevara-Aristizabal, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuaji...

119. Storage: Infrastructures, Politics, Imaginaries

Caroline Celeste White-Nockleby, Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT); J...

120. STS and the Method of Hope

Steven Jackson, Cornell University; Matt Ratto, University of Toronto; Fernando ...

121. STS between Centers & Peripheries

Pablo Kreimer, CONICET; Noela Invernizzi, Universidade Federal do Parana; Duygu ...

122. STS Engagements with civil society and social justice activism: case studies of collective experiences

Stephane Couture, Université de Montréal; Sophie Toupin, Concordia...

123. STS Engagements with Critical Mineral Studies

Javiera Barandiaran, University of California, Santa Barbara; Kirk Jalbert, Ariz...

124. Taxonomies in an Era of More-Than-Human Agency // Taxonomías en la Era de Agencia No-Humana

Elana Shever, Colgate University; Pablo Aguilera Del Castillo, University of Pen...

125. Teaching STI in intercultural contexts for inclusion of gender, language, and different abilities

Xenia Anaid Rueda, UNAM; Lilia Sarmiento, California State University Dominguez ...

126. Teaching, Research and Extension for Dialogic (re)Constructions Between Universities and Peripheries

Bernardo Alves Villarinho Lima, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paran...

127. Technologies of Scalable Power: Big Data, Big Tech, ‘Cloud’ services, and scalable technoepistemics in global computing

Yoehan Oh, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

This open panel invites globa...

128. Technologies, Trust and Governance: Reimagining Democracy

Ravi Shukla, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Covid-pandemic or otherwise, a s...

129. Technology Sovereignty in Food and Agriculture /Soberanía Tecnológica en la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Maywa Montenegro de Wit, University of California – Santa Cruz; Barbara Va...

130. Tecnologías Estratégicas en América Latina: abordajes, experiencias y recomendaciones de política para el desarrollo sustentable

Juan F Picabea, CONICET – Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y Tecnolo...

131. Templates / Plantillas / Modelos

Aaron Shapiro, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jessa Lingel, Un...

132. The Algorithmic Translation of Expertise: Machine Learning and Expert Practices

Wanheng Hu, Cornell University

This panel explores an enduring theme in S...

133. The animal farm: how to study care in multi-species encounters.

Eline van Oosten, KNAW, Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam; Rebeca Ibáñ...

134. The appropriation and mobilization of knowledge of Science, Technology, and Innovation as an epistemic element and inclusion in the National Health Systems

Xenia Anaid Rueda, UNAM; Juan Carlos García Cruz, Cátedras CONACYT...

135. The Colonial Legacies of Biosciences and Big Data: Nativism, marginalisation, and biocoloniality in the era of surveillance capitalism

Ernesto Schwartz Marin, Exeter University; Arely Cruz Santiago, Exeter Universit...

136. The Law and the Conflictive Reconfiguration of Collectives: Detachment, Discontinuation, and Re-unions

Nicolas Baya-Laffite, Université de Genève; Maria Valeria Berros, ...

137. The Meanings of Biometrics, and their Consequences

Michelle Spektor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ranjit Pal Singh, Data ...

138. The Play The World Needs Right Now: New Directions for Game Studies

Alexander John Daniel Mirowski, Indiana University

Games have a powerful ...

139. The role of testing in contemporary society

Simon Egbert, University of Bielefeld

The COVID-19 pandemic underlines a ...

140. Theorizing the Human and their Surround after the Microbiome

Alison Renna, Yale University

The human microbiome has become a source of...

141. Thinking with the Atmospheric, building geosocial futures

Alexandra Cotofana, Zayed University

The panel explores the different mod...

143. Toward reunion: Conversations, criticisms, reconfigurations of ICTD

Lucy Pei, University of California, Irvine; Philip Garrison, University of Washi...

144. Towards a Terrestrial Internet: Rethinking Digital Networks From the Ground Up

Sebastián Lehuedé, University of Cambridge; Marcela Suárez,...

145. Understanding biosocial technical systems

Andre Sica de Campos, Unicamp; Janaína Pamplona da Costa, UNICAMP


146. Universities recuperating during environmental, health, and social crises

Sharon Traweek, UCLA; Knut H Sørensen, NTNU Norwegian University of Scien...

147. Unsettling Taxonomic Difference: Caring for More-Than-Human Ecologies

Hina Walajahi, MIT HASTS; Salina Suri, Harvard University – History of Sci...

148. Violence, Nature, and Agency at the borders of the Global South and North

Paola DIAZ-LIZE; Estela Schindel, Europa-Universität Viadrina

In the...

149. What kinds of Knowledges and Infrastructures are Mobilized for Nuclear Renaissance?: Interpretations of Dis/Advantages and Social Mobilizations

Aya Hirata Kimura, University of Hawaii

Nuclear energy is making a comeba...

150. With Substance – Rethinking Drugs, Technofixes, and the (Geo)Politics of Harm

Lisa Lehner, Cornell University; Aster Parrott, Southern Tier AIDS Program

151. WORKSHOP Strategies To Indentify And Combat The Gender Violence

Filipe Mendes Castro

Hi, I’m Filipe Mendes, 29 years old, Internati...

4S 2022 Cholula

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(In) Security and STS

Data and Quantification
Decolonial & Postcolonial STS
Disciplines & the Social Organization of Science & Tech
Economics, Markters, Value/Valuation
Energy and Extraction
Environmental/Multispecies Studies
Feminist STS
Food & Agriculture
Forms & Practices of Expertise
Genetics, Genomics, Biotechnology
Governance & Public Policy
Indigenous STS
Information, Computing & Media Technology
Medicine & Healthcare
Method & Practice
Queer & Trans STS
Race/Black Studies & STS
Science Communication
Social Movements & STS
Studies About the History of Science
Transnational STS
University-Society Relations
Urban STS