Over 200 open panel proposals have been accepted for the EASST/4S meeting. They are listed by title below. Use the menu on the left to browse the full abstracts.

The purpose of calling for Open Panel proposals is to stimulate the formation of new networks around topics of interest to the STS community. Open panels have been proposed by scholars working in nearly every continent and relating to just about every major STS theme.

When submitting papers to open panels on the abstract submission platform, you will select the Open Panel you are submitting to. Papers submitted to an open panel will be reviewed by the open panel organizer(s) and will be given first consideration for that session.

Also at the time of submission, you will also be asked to nominate two alternative open panel preferences for your paper. In the event that your paper is not included in the open panel of your first preference it will be considered for the alternative panels indicated in your submission.



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By subject

Big Data

Economics, Markets, Value / Valuation


Engineering and Infrastructure

Environmental / 
Multispecies Studies

Food and Agriculture

Gender / Sexuality / Feminist STS

Genetics, Genomics, Biotechnology

Governance and Public Policy

Information, Computing and Media Technology

Knowledge, Theory and Method

Medicine and Healthcare

Postcolonial / Decolonial STS

Race / Racialization / Indegeneity

Science Communication / Public Engagement

STS and Social Justice / Social Movement

Technologies of Militarism / (In)security


  2. Accommodating A Plurality Of Values When Engaging Emerging Technologies In Sustainability Transitions – On Designing For Safety And Security In A Warming World
  3. Aesthetic Interventions: Exploring emerging worlds through art
  4. AI through an education perspective: concerns, potentials, and trade-offs
  5. Alchemical Transformations: On Matters of Substance and Change
  6. Alternative Knowing Spaces
  7. AMR in Globalized Economies: Knowledge, Regulation, Markets
  8. Applied Interdisciplinary Sustainable Transitions Research
  9. Approaching the Digital Anthropocene
  10. Articulating and Relating to Different Forms of the Good in Bad Situations
  11. Artificial Africa: Seeing urban algorithms through infrastructure, labour, justice and aesthetics
  12. Assessing Policy Mechanism of Avoiding Group/Community Harm
  13. Asymmetrical Confluence: Justice, Inclusion, and the Quest for Health Equity
  14. Be(com)ing industrial:  objects, scales, and power dynamics at play
  15. Borders in the Anthropocene: Transformations of Climates, Human and Nonhuman Mobility, and the Politics of the Earth
  16. Broken and livable futures with automated decision-making
  17. Building digital bioethics: Transformations in theory and applied practice
  18. Building Digital Public Sector
  19. Can it Scale?: The scalability zeitgeist, entrepreneurial thinking, and the role of STS
  20. Careful engagements
  21. Categories of Hatred: Unearthing algorithmic cultures of hate groups, marginalization, and surveillance of minorities
  22. Challenges of surveillance technologies in police and criminal justice systems
  23. Charismatic Technology: Promises and Perils
  24. China, Technology, Planetary Futures: Lessons for a World in Crisis?
  25. Choreographies: Rhythms and Movements in Research
  26. Citing the South: Infometrics and Open Science for Sustainable Development in the Global South
  27. Classic STS Papers
  28. Collective Forms Of Governance: Rethinking The Role Of Civic Engagement With Science & Technology In Epistemically Fragmented Societies
  29. Commodifying environmental data: markets, materiality, knowledge
  30. Conceptualization and Evidence of Social Innovation
  31. Contesting the ‘migration/border control machine’: entanglements of information and surveillance infrastructures with the making of publics/’non-publics’
  32. Cosmogrammatics. Nature(s) in planetary designs
  33. Crafting Critical Methodologies in Computing: theories, practices and future directions
  34. Death Itself: Technology, Ethics, and Ambiguity
  35. Decentralized and Distributed Systems: Technologies of Resistance
  36. Decentring datacentres: their politics, energy, waste and epistemics
  37. Defining the Patient in Biomedicine Today
  38. Democracy in the making
  39. Digital Experiments in the Making: Methods, Tools, and Platforms in the Infrastructuring of STS
  40. Digital Phenotyping –  Unpacking Intelligent Machines For Deep Medicine And A New Public Health
  41. Digital Platforms, Knowledge Democracies and the Remaking of Expertise
  42. Digital pollutions: resource consumption, waste and environmental problems in information societies
  43. Digital Technologies in Policing and Security
  44. Digital technologies shaping the politics of science and the science of politics
  45. Digitalizing Cities and Infrastructures
  46. Dilemmas in advisory science
  47. Disciplining the senses
  48. Discursive Traps in Global Health: Neglect, Poverty, and Emergence
  49. Disgust
  50. Disrupting Biomedicine: The Politics and Practice of Open Source and Biohacked Drugs and Devices
  51. Doctoral Research, Inventive Inquiry and Making New Spaces within and beyond the Academy
  52. Doing STS amid the Procession of Disaster
  53. Dying at the Margins: Emerging Material-Discursive Perspectives on Death and Dying
  54. Editing future life and biotechnological utopias/ Bio-political materialization and potentialities of CRISPRcas9
  55. Emerging Worlds of Eating: Interrogating the logics of digitalisation, datafication and platformisation of food
  56. Engaging Health Activism, Sexual Politics and STS
  57. Engineering Extinction: Prospects, Uncertainties, and Responsibilities in Planned Extinction
  58. Environmentalities of Health Security
  59. Envisioning a Decentered Academic Knowledge System Online
  60. Ethea Alternativa and Grounded Alliances with Indigenous Peoples:  Undoing Capital’s Techno-Economic, Exploitative Thrall over the Earth
  61. Experimenting With Inclusive Technologies: Saying No By Saying Let’s
  62. Exploring Empowerment in The Co-creation of Innovation
  63. Extractivism Revisited: STS Perspectives
  64. Fakes and legitimacy reordering
  65. Feeding Food Futures: From Techno-solutionism to Inclusive Human-Food Collaborations
  66. Filling the Gaps Between Observations with Data: Nature, Models and Human Agency
  67. Flows and overflows of personal health data
  68. Fossil Legacies – Re-Assembling Work, Gender and Technology in the Coal Phase Out
  69. From Citizen to Citizen-Subject? Exploring (Re)-Configurations of ‘The Public’ in Innovation
  70. Global Imaginaries of Precision Science: Diversity, Inclusion and Justice
  71. Governing Reproductive Bio-economies: Policy Frameworks, Ethics and Economics
  72. Grassroots Innovation: Hacking, Making, Hobby, Entrepreneurship
  73. Grotesque Epistemologies
  74. Growing old in a more-than human world: Materialities of care and interspecies entanglements
  75. Hacker Cultures: Understanding the actors behind our software
  76. Health Made Digital
  77. Hegemony, counter-hegemony and ontological politics
  78. ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of the Emerging Automated-Vehicles-Worlds: Location, Visibility & Alternative Futures
  79. Histories And Ecologies of Therapeutic Places
  80. Holding It Together?  Data And Disasters
  81. Hormonal paradoxes: circulations, access, exposures
  82. How can STS support a multiplicity of practices in Citizen Science?
  83. Human-(itarian) technologies: How to make a better world for humans with technologies?
  84. Identification, Datafication, Citizenship
  85. Inclusion in scientific communities
  86. In-formed Architecture: Futures, projects and practices of digital architecture and construction
  87. Infrastructures of Care: Disability, Autonomy, Inter/Dependencies
  88. Infrastructuring Outer Space
  89. Inhabiting Warming Worlds – Transforming Climate Knowledge
  90. Innovating and regenerating the migrant-technology boundary
  91. Inquiries into the Global
  92. Institutionalization and social appropriation of RRI: A remaining challenge?
  93. Integrating Stakeholders From the Beginning – But (How) is that possible?
  94. International Scientific Collaboration: Knowledge Infrastructures and the Role of STS Scholars
  95. Interrogating institutional strategies that aim facilitating knowledge coproduction and co-innovation of agri-food systems.
  96. Interventions with, through and in ethnography
  97. Living In The Laboratory: Experimental Zones And The Labification Of Everything
  98. Locating & Timing Governance in STS and Universities
  99. Locating Psychoanalysis in STS Terrains
  100. Locating South Asia in Social Studies of Science and Technology
  101. Lost in the Dreamscapes of Modernity? Theorizing Agency, Multiplicity, and Scale in Sociotechnical Imaginaries
  102. Maintenance and its knowledges
  103. Making chemical kin
  104. Making Futures by Freezing Life: Ambivalent Temporalities of Cryopreservation Practices
  105. Making Home, With Care
  106. Making science in public: Studying science communication and public engagement
  107. Making, Having, Thinking: Sex, Technology and Science
  108. Marxist STS
  109. Materiality, Knowledges, Inequalities: Multiplicity and Sovereignty in a Post_Colonial World
  110. Materials, Symbols, and Power in Science and Technology
  111. Modes of Futuring between Care and Control: Engaging with the Conservation of Endangered More-Than-Human Life
  112. Money for nothing?  Science between Markets and Politics
  113. Moralizing the data economy
  114. More-than-Human Ethnographies of Global Health
  115. Multispecies Rhetorics in Microbial Worlds: How do Microbes and Humans Affect Each Other?
  116. Mutagenic Legacies and Future Living
  117. Negotiating independence in academic careers
  118. Negotiating knowledge of harm through affects, embodiment and trust
  119. Networks, platforms and the form of the socio-technical
  120. New Multiples in STI policy? Understanding the entanglement of concepts, practices and identities
  121. New Technologies of Risk:  Bioeconomies of Prediction and Therapeutic Prevention
  122. No Time to Not Know. Bottom-up Expertise, Grass-root Authorities, and Agency in the Age of Digital Knowledge
  123. Nocebos, Nocebo Studies, and STS: Meaning-Making and Recalcitrance
  124. Nonhuman Vision: How Technologies and Animals See and Make Sense
  125. ‘Not doing’ in times of crisis: agency and the urgency of pause and restraint
  126. Old Academies and Emerging Worlds: Feminist Encounters in Changing STS Contexts
  127. On the Interplay of Images, Imaginaries and Imagination in Science Communication
  128. Online Campaigns and Digital Personhood in the Age of Datafication
  129. ‘Openness’ In Software, Hardware And Wetware: Materialities, Collectives, Values
  130. Ordering knowledge in uncertain times: STS perspectives on the reinvention of the literature review
  131. Organizing Technoscientific Capitalism: Assets, Rents, and Values
  132. Other Indigenous Knowledge Engineering Systems: Designing and operating knowledge technologies at scale in emerging worlds
  133. Performative Futures: Fighting Reification Inertias through Open Anticipations
  134. Peripheral States: Public Uses and Misuses of Big Data Technologies
  135. Pharmaceutical and diagnostic futures: innovation, governance and practice
  136. Politicization of Sociotechnical Futures: Prerequisites and Limits
  137. Politics and practices in the ethnographies of legitimate knowledge
  138. Proliferation, dispersal and (in)security: towards new vocabularies for the debate between STS and critical security studies
  139. Prototyping Urban Futures
  140. Public data repositories in the global health data economy
  141. Race and Biomedicine Beyond the Lab: 21st Century Mobilizations
  142. Radical and Radicalizing Workers In The Scientific Enterprise
  143. Rare Disease Policies: From Exceptionalism Towards a ‘New Normal’?
  144. Recruitment and Evaluation Practices in Academia. Global Changes and National Traditions
  145. Re-emerging Psychedelic Worlds: Altered States, Altered Subjects, Altered STS?
  146. Re-evaluating the high-tech and the low-tech: ideals and ideologies of the material
  147. Reexamining Narratives within Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
  148. Reproduction in the Post-genomic Age
  149. Re-scaling outer-space(s)
  150. Robotics Innovation in Care: Ethical Considerations
  151. Science and Technology Studies on Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM)
  152. Science as a site of inequality: theoretical, empirical and reflexive insights from STS
  153. Science Technology & Innovation (STI) Roadmaps and the SDGs
  154. Science, Technology and Sport
  155. Scientific fields and communities in (re-)formation
  156. Scientists, citizen scientists, and naturalists in the Anthropocene
  157. Situating antimicrobial resistance (AMR): locations, spaces and borders
  158. Situating Co-creation: Innovation between Local Specificity and Scalable Standardization
  159. Situating the STS language(s) in time and space
  160. Social justice in Climate Adaptation Policies
  161. Social practices perspectives on (un)sustainable urban transformations
  162. Socializing the automation of flexible residential energy use
  163. Speculative Futures and the Biopolitics of Populations: Exploring Continuities and Discontinuities Across and Beyond Crisis Discourses
  164. States of Planetary Environmental Knowledge
  165. STS and Political Ecology: Exploring socially just and ecologically sustainable emerging worlds
  166. STS Approaches to Social Epigenetics and the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
  167. STS for a post-truth age: comparative dialogues on reflexivity
  168. STS Perspectives on Innovation: Significance and Agency in Emerging Worlds
  169. STS Underground: Locating Matter and Agency in emerging subterranean Worlds
  170. STS, Technoscience and How Discontinuation Matters
  171. Studying data/natures: between arts, academia and administration
  172. Sustainable mobility in urban cities in Africa
  173. Taking Data Into Account
  174. Teaching interdependent agency: Feminist STS approaches to STEM pedagogy
  175. Techniques of Resilience. Coping with the Vulnerabilities of Hybrid Bodies
  176. The (In)Visible Labour Of Translation: Creating Value In Translational Medicine
  177. The ‘elsewhere’ of sociotechnical life at night
  178. The Contemporary Synthesis of Race and Biotechnology in Emerging/Developing Worlds
  179. The Bio(Techno)logical Politics of Synchrony
  180. The changing landscape of genetic databases: Blurring boundaries between collection and practice
  181. The cyborg is getting older: exploring the body/machine fusion at the intersection of STS and Age Studies
  182. The Era of Voice: STS and Emerging Healthcare Activism around Science, Politics and Markets
  183. The Future of Quantifying Humanity: Reflections on Artificial Intelligence
  184. The In/Visibility of Value and Relevance in the Evaluation Society
  185. The Life of Numbers: Models, Projections, Targets and Other Enumerations
  186. The Means And Ends of STS: What Role For STS In The Post-Truth Era?
  187. The mise-en-scène of science and technology: the role of non-conventional sources
  188. The Ontological Politics of the Anthropocene
  189. The politics of progress
  190. The Politics of Uncertainty; Visualizing, Quantifying, and Fact-Checking Truth Claims in an Era of Polarized Politics
  191. The regimes of biomedical knowledge production: the changing face of clinical trials
  192. The Sober Sciences of Intoxicated Subjects: Psychedelics and Their Societies
  193. The tacit governance of decision-making in knowledge production
  194. Theorizing in STS
  195. They’re Just Guidelines: Operationalizing AI Ethics
  196. Timing matters: How does long-term ethnographic research affect concept work and case-making in practice?
  197. Title: Acknowledging residues: the (un)-making of an environmental concern
  198. Towards a Critical Medical STS
  199. Transformations and tensions in academic publishing
  200. (Transnational) research infrastructures as sites of technopolitical transformations
  201. Transnational STS: Theories, Practices, and Pedagogies
  202. Transplanetary Ecologies
  203. Traveling Knowledge: Translational Practices in Different Countries and Fields
  204. Universals’ Locales: Locating Theoretical Sciences in Global Modernities
  205. Unpacking Food Chains: Knowledge-Making, Biotechnoscience, and Multispecies Connectivity in Troubled Societies
  206. Unpacking the Foundations of the Current Biometric Moment
  207. Value in Biomedicine
  208. Veterinary anthropology : the impact of animal studies on medical sciences
  209. Waste. Locating, Learning From, and Living With the Lively Afterlives of Globalization’s Distributed Materialities
  210. What happens when we all agree: Governing non epistemic controversies
  211. ‘What is the worth of a Nature-paper when the climate is in crisis?’
  212. What science, technology and innovation, for which transformations?
  213. Where Did THAT Come From? Locating Transnational Diffusion of Governance Knowledge
  214. Where is Care? (Un)Settling Place, Materialities and Imaginaries in the Making of Healthcare
  215. Who are the Publics of Outer Space?
  216. Whose Dream House?
  217. Windows of Opportunity?: Critical Understanding of ELSI/ELSA at Different Moments
  218. Workshop on Experiments with Algo-governance and Future-Making: STS Scholars as Designers