Past Presidents

2022 – 23 Emma Kowal

2020 – 21 Alondra Nelson, President-Elect *resigned due to appointment to Biden administration

2020 – 21 Joan Fujimura

2018 – 19 Kim Fortun

2016 – 17 Lucy Suchman

2014 – 15 Gary Downey. Interviewed in the (Chinese) Journal of Engineering Studies, 2015

2012 – 13 Trevor Pinch. Video Interview by Michael Lynch, 2015

2010 – 11 Judy Wajcman. Video Interview by Lucy Suchman, 2015

2008 – 09 Michael Lynch. Video Interview by Wesley Shrum, 2013

2006 – 07 Susan Leigh Star

2004 – 05 Bruno Latour

2002 – 03 Wiebe Bijker. Video Interview Tokyo 2010.

2000 – 01 Sheila Jasanoff. Video Interview by Sergio Sismondo, Rotterdam 2008

1998 – 99 Michel Callon

1996 – 97 Karin Knorr-Cetina. Video Interview by Wesley Shrum, Washington 2009

1994 – 95 Sal Restivo

1992 – 93 Harry Collins. Video Interview by Trevor Pinch, Tokyo 2010.

1990 – 91 Harriet Zuckerman

1988 – 89 Arie Rip

1986 – 87 David Edge

1984 – 85 Nicholas Mullins

1982 – 83 Arnold Thackray

1980 – 81 Bernard Barber

1978 – 79 Dorothy Nelkin

1976 – 77 Warren Hagstrom

1975 – 76 Robert Merton

Past Council Members

Madeleine Akrich 1994-96

Misria Shaik Ali 2021-23

Maria Belén Albornoz 2019-21

Sulfikar Amir 2014-16

Aneesh Aneesh 2021-23

Gloria Baigorrotegui 2017-19

Wenda Bauchspies 2003-05

Charles Bazerman 1989-91

Wiebe Bijker 1989-91

Daniel Breslau 2015-17

Anita Say Chan 2017-19

Hsin-Hsing Chen 2019-21

Vivian Choi 2021-2024

Daryl Chubin 1979-81, 1984-85

Adele Clarke 1988-90

Harry Collins 1983-85

Ruth Cowan 1985-87

Susan Cozzens 1986-88

Jennifer Croissant 1999-01

Marc DeMay 1984-86

Vivette Garcia Diester 2021-23

Gary Downey 2003-05

Joe Dumit 2005-07

David Edge 1983-85

Steve Epstein 2001-03

Diana E. Forsythe 1992-94

Kim Fortun 2000-02

Mary Frank Fox 1987-89

Yuko Fujigaki 2003-05

Ulrike Felt 2002-04

Sarah Franklin 2001-03

Ellsworth Fuhrman 1989-91

Joan Fujimura 1992-94

Steve Fuller 1999-01

Jerry Gaston 1976-80

Ronald Giere 1986-88

Thomas Gieryn 1983-85

Lesley Green 2018-20

Rae Goodell 1981-83

Michael Gorman 1997-99

Loren Graham 1980-82

Hugh Gusterson 2001-03

Donna Haraway 1995-97

Edward Hackett 1999-01

Lowell Hargens 1991-93

Gabrielle Hecht 2007-09

Katherine Henderson 1994-96

Rebecca Herzig 2009-11

Stephen Hilgartner 2002-04

Walter Hirsch 1981-82

Rachelle Hollander 1996-98

John Holmfeld 1981-83

David L. Hull 1984-86

Noela Invernizzi 2018-20

Kenji Ito 2012-14

Steven Jackson 2017-19

Sheila Jasanoff 1990-92

Chihyung Jeon 2021-23

Ron Johnston 1987-89

Barkha Kagliwal 2022-2024

Duygu Kaşdoğan 2019-22

Abby Kinchy 2014-16

Daniel Lee Kleinman 2008-10

Karin Knorr-Cetina 1983-85

V.V. Krishna 1998-2000

Pablo Kreimer 2019-22

Roger Krohn 1988-90

Wen-Hua Kuo 2013-15

Marcel La Follette 1984-86

Vivian Lagesen 2013-15

Andrew Lakoff 2008-10

Bruno Latour 1985-87

Rachel Laudan 1986-88

Linda Layne 1997-99, 2011-13

Edwin Layton 1978-79

Javier Lezaun 2010-12

Helen Longino 1998-2000

Linda Lubrano 1981-83

Michael Lynch 1995-97

Oscar Maldonado Castañeda 2016-18

Noortje Marres 2019-21

Brian Martin 1993-95

Miwao Matsumoto 2009-11

Maureen McNeil 2006-08

Martina Merz 2006-08

Ian Mitroff 1978-80

Kelly Moore 2013-15

Michael Moravcsik 1977-78

Chandra Mukerji 1993-95

Michael Mulkay 1980-82

Nicholas Mullins 1976-78

Michelle Murphy 2007-09

Natasha Myers 2010-12

Hideto Nakajima 2000-02

Timothy Neale 2021-22

Dorothy Nelkin 1976-78

Alondra Nelson 2003-06

Helga Nowotny 1987-89

Angela Okune 2019-22

Gwen Ottinger 2016-18

Nelly Oudshoorn 1997-99

Canay Özden-Schilling 2022-2024

Shobita Parthasarathy 2015-17

Tania Pérez-Bustos 2015-17

Kristina Petkova 1995-97

Roopali Phadke 2018-20

Trevor Pinch 1991-93

Derek Price 1976-77

Maria Puig de la Bellacasa 2010-12

Vololona Rabeharisoa 2000-02

Sal Restivo 1983-85

Evelleen Richards 1990-92

Eugene Richardson 2022-2024

Leandro Rodríguez Medina 2012-14

Brigitte Schroeder-Gudehus 1979-81

Bryn Seabrook 2019-22

Steven Shapin 1985-87

Sergio Sismondo 2005-07

Eugene Skolnikoff 1977-79

Henry Small 1979-81

Laurel Smith-Doerr 2011-13

Maka Suarez 2021-23

Knut Sorenson 1993-95

Susan Leigh Star 1991-93

Lucy Suchman 1996-98

Jane Summerton 2002-04

Kaushik Sunder Rajan 2012-14

Albert Teich 1979-81

Arnold Thackray 1976-77

Stefan Timmermans 2007-09

Sharon Traweek 1992-94

Stephen Turner 1990-92

Natasha Vally 2021-22

Roli Varma 2005-07

Ana Viseu 2019-21 (resigned)

Judy Wajcman 1996-98

Catherine Waldby 2008-10

Claire Waterton 2014-16

Spencer Weart 1981-83

Ron Westrum 1983-85

Peter Whalley 1994-96

Lucy van de Wiel 2022-2024

Amanda Windle 2019–21

Patricia Woolf 1977-79

Steve Woolgar 1988-90

Paul Wouters 2006-08

Sara Wylie 2016-18

Brian Wynne 1998-2000

Stephen Zehr 2011-13

John Ziman 1983-85

Dorothy Zinberg 1977-79

Teun Zuiderent-Jerak 2018-20