Oct 23 2024
The David Edge Prize Committee received 29 articles for this year’s prize. The prize is awarded to Taylor M. Moore for the article "An (Un)Natural History: Tracing the Magical Rhinoceros Horn in Egypt" in Isis: The Journal of the History of Science Society (2023).
Oct 23 2024
Grants are used to support the travel of graduate students, post-docs, early career and underwaged scholars to the annual 4S meeting. For the 2024 meeting in Amsterdam, the available funding, provided by a National Science Foundation grant, was $ 21.000.
Oct 23 2024
The Elections Committee is pleased to submit the results of the 2024 elections.
Oct 23 2024
The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science was held in Honolulu, Hawai`i from November 8 to 11, 2023 at the Hawai’i Convention Center. The meeting centered Hawai`i as a place to reflect on and grapple with challenges to the livability of the earth and the livelihoods of humans and nonhumans, as a result of colonialism, capitalism, scientism, and militarism.
Jan 19 2024
2023 Annual Committee Reports for all Prize Committees and Standing Committees.
Jan 18 2024
Grants are used to support the travel of graduate students and underemployed and low-income countries scholars to the annual 4S meeting (this year in a joint conference with ESOCITE). This year the usual funding coming from the National Science Foundation was not available and the total amount invested totaled $ 10,000 coming from sustaining/society membership and the Society’s reserves to support meeting participation by students and other low-income scholars.
The number of applications received this year (56) was considerably lower than in the pre-pandemic conferences, i.e. 369...
Dec 9 2021
4S Council decided in May 2021 to establish a position of Managing Director (MD) for 4S and to publish a call for expression of interest. The proposal for the position was finalized by Council in September and is enclosed in Appendix 1. A selection panel was then appointed, consisting of Wiebe Bijker, Alan Irwin, Emma […]
Dec 1 2021
Kim Fortun, Chair María Belén Albornoz Duygu Kaşdoğan Emma Kowal We are hoping/planning to call-for-applications for 4S affiliations (with a simple Google form) prior to the conference then invite applicants to an already-scheduled 4S Affiliations meet-up to get more feedback on what would be useful to people. We have called such a meeting many times […]
Dec 1 2021
Members: Amanda Windle, Aftab Mirzaei, Katie Ulrich, Courtney Cicale (joined July 2021), Arne Maibaum (until February 2021) In 2021, the social media committee continued to work on engaging and growing the 4S community through Twitter and Facebook. This year, the committee began working on a guideline document outlining the aims, and some long and short […]
Dec 1 2021
Chair Emma Kowal Joan Fujimura Stephen Hilgartner Noella Invernizzi Alan Irwin Noortje Marres Knut H. Sørensen In its meetings, the Finance Committee continued considering the financial arrangements of the society in the context of the increase in the size and complexity of Society finances. The Finance Committee prepared a document for the February 2021 meeting […]
Dec 1 2021
Noortje Marres (Chair), Ana Viseu, Amanda Windle, Aftab Misraei, Steve Coffee, Joan Fujimura The new 4S website was launched early December 2020, and received positive feedback from 4S council members, the social media committee and 4S members. Since the site launch, Steve Coffee has been supremely diligent in responding to feedback and fixing bugs were necessary, […]
Dec 1 2021
Chair Amanda Windle Emma Kowal Joan Fujimura María Belén Albornoz Committee duties relate to a) review the financial operations of 4S, and b) to support the work of the treasurer and the accountants for 4S. The specific tasks for the committee are as follows: Review accounts related to 4S business, prepare accurate accounts for 4S […]
Dec 1 2021
Membership: Joan Fujimura (co-Chair), Emma Kowal (co-Chair), Pablo Kreimer, Duygu Kaşdoğan, María Belén Albornoz, Amanda Windle (until July 2021) The ad hoc committee was formed by Joan Fujimura to review the governance structures of 4S and make recommendations to Council (see Appendix A, Reorganization Committee Charge). The committee presented a proposal to Council in May […]
Dec 1 2021
Ana Viseu (Chair) Noela Invernizzi Kim Tallbear Paige Miller In 2021, we only received 30 support applications (down from 278 from last year). The committee made the decision to fund 29 applicants in full; 1 applicant who did not indicate any role in the conference and did not respond to emails received half-funding. Geographically speaking […]
Dec 1 2021
María Belén Albornoz, Chair Joan Fujimura Duygu Kaşdoğan Brynn Elizabeth Seabrook Chihyung Jeon Angela Okune The election committee is pleased to submit the results of the 2021 elections for President-Elect, 4S Council and 6S representative. President-Elect: Emma Kowal 4S Council Members: Vivian Choi, Natasha Vally, Canay Ozden-Shilling, Lucy van de Wiel 6S Representative: Barkha Satish […]
Dec 1 2021
Making and Doing Prize Committee Amanda Windle, Chair Nerea Cavillo Priyank Chandra Laura Forlano Helene Mialet Misria Shaik Ali Teun Zuiderent-Jerak The Making and Doing Awards Committee worked closely with the Toronto Making and Doing Organising Committee to evaluate all in-person sessions. The Awards Committee awarded five winners and three commendations this year. Winners Feminist […]
Dec 1 2021
Committee members: Wen-Hua Kuo, Chair, Bryn Seabrook. Vivette Garcia-Deister, Michelle Murphy Appointed by the President, the Council consists of 4 members—two from the current council and two from ex-council members. Following the same nomination procedure as for other 4S prizes, we received two nominations for consideration. There were discussions among committee members on individual nominees, in particular on their […]
Dec 1 2021
Committee Members: Pablo Kreimer, Chair, Chihyung Jeon, Knut H. Sørensen, Bryn Seabrook, Misria Shaik Ali The committee has a decision on the 2021 David Edge Prize. The winner is Ruination Science: Producing Knowledge from a Toxic World. By Sebastián Ureta. Published in Science, Technology & Human Values. Sebastian Uretas’s article is a beautiful ethnographic work in a distant […]
Dec 1 2021
Committee members: Amanda Windle, Chair, Bryn Seabrook Gloria Baigorrotegui The Mullins Committee received 12 papers and 13 recommendations for this year’s prize. The prize is awarded to Sarah Brother for the paper “A Good “Doctor” is Hard to Find: Assessing Uncredentialed Expertise in Assisted Injection,” in Social Science & Medicine (2019). Drawing on six years of ethnographic engagement […]
Dec 1 2021
This year the Award Committee received 78 books to consider for the prize and shortlisted 5 works for the 2021 prize. Books were evaluated for their scholarly brilliance, their overall contribution to the field of Science and Technology Studies, and their relevance to public debate and social change. The 2021 Rachel Carson Prize was awarded […]
Dec 1 2021
Members of the 2020-2021 Fleck Prize Committee Ana Viseu, Maka Suarez, Duygu Kaşdoğan, Lesley Green (Chair) The Fleck Committee received 56 books and shortlisted 10 works for this year’s prize, from which the 2021 Fleck Prize was awarded to Thom van Dooren for his book The Wake of Crows: Living and Dying in Shared Worlds […]
Dec 1 2021
Members: Emma Kowal (Chair); Joan Fujimura; Alan Irwin, Vivette Garcia Deister, and Angela Okune. The committee received five nominations in 2021: Nelly Oudshoorn, Johan Shot, Karen Barad, Michael Fischer, and Knut H. Sørensen. The work procedure was as follows: The Chair distributed the 2021 nominee’s documentation to the committee and the list of nominations from […]
Aug 25 2020
There was a very significant increase in demand for the program this year. This could be due to COVID and our general feeling of being disconnected from our friends and colleagues in the STS community. We set a record for number of participants: 463. Joint meeting with EASST are always bigger years for the mentorship program, but […]
Aug 6 2020
Production report and usage statistics (PDF)
Aug 6 2020
The 6S representatives continued to meet monthly throughout the year to discuss items including: building the 6S Slack channel as an ongoing virtual community for 6S members; social media participation; expanding 6S engagement; and updating the language about 6S on the 4S website. Our main activity this year has been planning the annual 6S workshop, […]
Aug 6 2020
For the 2020 prize, the Award Committee received 78 books to consider for the prize and shortlisted 10 works for this year’s prize. Books were evaluated for their overall scholarly quality, their contributions to the field of Science and Technology Studies, and their capacity to cast social or political issues in a new light. The […]
Aug 6 2020
The David Edge Prize Committee received 46 articles. It shortlisted 6 papers and then concentrated on 3, then on 2 very relevant papers. After a fruitful discussion, the members agreed to award the Prize to Aaron Panofsky and Joan Donovan’s paper, “Genetic ancestry testing among white nationalists: From identity repair to citizen science,” published in […]
Aug 6 2020
María Belén Albornoz (Chair), Joan Fujimura, Roopali Phadke, Hsin Hsing Chen, Bryn Seabrook, Katie Ulrich This year, the Council had 4 member vacancies to fill from normal annual turnover. Following the same procedure as last year, we canvassed 4S members and Council for possible nominees and we received 17 nominations for Council. The elections committee submitted for […]
Aug 6 2020
The Fleck Committee received 81 books and shortlisted 10 works for this year’s prize, from which the 2020 Fleck Prize was awarded to Noémi Tousignant for her book Edges of Exposure: Toxicology and the Problem of Capacity in Postcolonial Senegal (Duke University Press 2018). Fr0m the Prize citation: Edges of Exposure was selected for its careful, unique ethnographic exploration […]
Aug 6 2020
The Society distributes grants to support the travel of students (both undergraduate and graduate) and low-income scholars to the annual 4S meeting. Funding typically comes from three sources: $11,000 annually comes from the National Science Foundation (most students are funded through this source) and $5,000 annually comes from the Asia/Africa/Latin America Fund. This year, giving the transition to an on-line […]
Aug 5 2020
After extensive deliberation the committee selected as winner of the 2020 Nicholas C. Mullins Award Daniel G. Cumming, for his paper, “Black Gold, White Power: Mapping Oil, Real Estate, and Racial Segregation in the Los Angeles Basin, 1900-1939,” published in 2018 by Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. Full report at https://4sonline.org/files/Mullins-Committee-Report-2020.docx
Sep 3 2019
We received 35 nominations for the David Edge prize this year. The criteria that have been used are: Theoretical depth and sophistication Quality of the empirical work (both sound and generative) Contributions to the field of STS beyond the particulars of the case study (A contribution to the field of STS would entail more than instrumental or […]
Sep 3 2019
4S 2019 has been a success! We have been able to bring together an outstanding group of STSers, provide support in terms of accessibility, engage important themes, and innovate in terms of the conference structure and organization. We have prepared this report to give you a comprehensive view on our accomplishments and point at some issues […]
Sep 3 2019
Joint Report to 4S Council, 2019
Sep 3 2019
4S Projected Budget 2019
Sep 3 2019
Participation numbers were great again this year. Our 222 participants represent about 12% of total conference registrants. 2019 Mentorship Program Report
Sep 3 2019
The team strengthened and amplified 4S social media presence by engaging directly with individuals and related professional organizations. Part of this enhancement has been the result of assuming a more colloquial/personal tone in our communication, but also through intentional and timely engagement with topical issues and events. 2019 Social Media Report
Sep 3 2019
Members: Noela Invernizzi (chair); Vivian Choi; Paige Miller (ex officio) 2019 Travel Grants at a glance 2019 2018 Applications 369 155 Grants 126 50 Countries receiving grants 30 27 Total investment $24.750 $22.000 Grants declined 11 Program Overview Grants were used to support the travel of students (both undergraduate and graduate) and […]
Sep 3 2019
We received 11 nominations for Council this year. Steve Coffee provided the committee information about the history of membership in 4s and participation at past annual meetings for the nominees. The committee put forward a final slate of 7 candidates that represented different regions, seniority and areas of expertise. Those elected include: Bryn Seabrook (USA), Amanda Windle (UK), Duygu Kasdogan (Turkey), […]
Sep 3 2019
Steve Jackson (chair), Daniel Breslau, Steve Coffee, Noortje Marres, Ana Viseu The principal task of the 4S Web Committee this year has been to work towards a redesign of the 4S website – the first such overhaul in many years and identified as an important priority in information gathering and discussion with 4S council in […]
Sep 3 2019
Members: Noela Invernizzi (Chair); Aadita Chaudhury; Joan Fujimura and Dikoh Chen. The committee received five nominations in 2019: Chandra Mukerji, Emily Martin, Michael Fisher, Thed van Leeuwen and Joan Fujimura. Given her position as president-elect, Joan withdrew, remaining in the list of nominations for future years. The work procedure was as follows: The Chair distributed […]
Sep 3 2019
For the 2019 prize, the Award Committee received 62 books to consider for the prize and shortlisted 7 works. Books were evaluated for their overall scholarly quality, their contributions to the field of Science and Technology Studies, and their capacity to cast social or political issues in a new light. The Committee chose Aya Kimura’s […]
Jul 18 2019
Authors: Futuring/Connecting 4S ad hoc committee: Chair: Anita Say Chan Members: Maria Belen Albornoz, Dikoh Chen, Ivan da Costa Marques, Annalisa Pelizza, Thao Phan, Ana Viseu, Sara Wylie, Kim Fortun Download as PDF Note: A spreadsheet (Excel) with all shareable responses from the survey is available with this report. July 18, 2019 Overview: In early […]
Aug 22 2018
STS in Practice Ad Hoc Committee Report August 19, 2018 Current State of the Field and Recommendations for Future Development
Aug 21 2018
Annual report on the 4S mentorship program run at 4S annual meetings.