Since 1972, Science, Technology, & Human Values has provided a forum for cutting-edge research and debate in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). This is a collectively edited, peer-reviewed, transnational, interdisciplinary journal containing research, analyses and commentary on the development and dynamics of science and technology, with a focus on their relationship to politics, economy, society and culture.

ST&HV publishes and seeks to foster work that is politically and ethically engaged from scholars from across the social sciences and humanities. It is committed to publishing both field-defining and field-extending work, expanding the purview of the field into new areas, and intervening in a common set of conceptual and topical conversations. The journal publishes work that contributes to STS and makes a contribution with STS, emphasising that theory, method and practice unfold in situated assemblages.

To find out more about the journal, read it, or submit your research for consideration, please visit the publisher‘s website.

Special Issues 

The editorial group of Science, Technology, & Human Values announces the journal’s 2024 Call for Proposals for Special Issues. The process for this Call for Proposals is:

  1. Interested scholars should submit a proposal using the Google form by 21 June 2024. All proposals should include a working title for the Special Issue; names, affiliations, and short biographies of guest editors (100 words each); a 800-word outline of the proposed Special Issue theme (approx. 400 words) and its significant contribution to the field of STS (approx. 400 words); and, the names, affiliations, and short abstracts for 3-4 potential contributions. Proposals will be selected on the basis of: a) overall quality; b) the extent to which they represent a field-defining intervention in STS; c) their potential to attract a diverse range of contributions from scholars internationally. 
  2. In August 2024, the editors of ST&HV will choose one Special Issue proposal to proceed. The editors may also select and invite other proposals to proceed as shorter Thematic Collections if suitable.
  3. The editors of the selected Special Issue proposal(s) will issue an open call for further proposed articles on their theme, closing no earlier than 1 October 2024. A Special Issue will typically contain 7-8 research articles. Diversity of contributions from scholars internationally, and at different career stages, is encouraged.
  4. The guest editors of the selected Special Issue proposal(s) will submit the full Special Issue for peer review no later than 1 March 2025. Individual manuscripts should be no more than 8,000 words including endnotes and references. Articles that are accepted through peer review will subsequently appear OnlineFirst as ready before the publication of the Special Issue in full, anticipated in 2026.

Please submit your proposal using the Google form by 21 June 2024. All general inquiries should be sent in the first instance to Carolina Caliaba (Managing Editor) at

You can find out more about ST&HV’s current submission requirements and style guide. For more on what constitutes a contribution to the field of STS, see the editor’s recent editorial: What is an STS Contribution Now?

Recent Publications

Extractions: Data Infrastructures and the Public Good

Ana Delgado

Science, Technology, & Human Values, Volume 49, Issue 3, Page 435-442, May 2024.
This special issue invites reflection on digital forms of resource extractivism, through thinking-with microbes, fish, smart energy, and human...

Microbial Extractions: Sequence-based Bioprospecting, Augmented Promises, and Elusive Politics

Ana Delgado

Science, Technology, & Human Values, Volume 49, Issue 3, Page 443-471, May 2024.
In view of the end of the golden years of the Norwegian oil economy, ocean genetic resources are being advertised in policy environments as...

Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition

Kjetil Rommetveit

Science, Technology, & Human Values, Volume 49, Issue 3, Page 472-499, May 2024.
Recent efforts to involve digital technologies and renewables in the electricity grid have placed users at center stage in the legitimation...

“Samples Are Precious”: Value Formations in the Potentiality and Practices of Biobanking in Singapore

Erik Aarden

Science, Technology, & Human Values, Volume 49, Issue 3, Page 500-523, May 2024.
Biobanking in Singapore is characterized by contested relations between funding ambitions and research practices, and different notions of what...

Seeing Like a Model Fish: How Digital Extractions Mediate Metabolic Relations

Susanne Bauer

Science, Technology, & Human Values, Volume 49, Issue 3, Page 524-554, May 2024.
Digital models have become key sites of biological practice and science policy. This paper examines efforts to craft a digital salmon model...