STS Making and Doing Awards 2021: (multiple winners)

The Making and Doing Awards Committee worked closely with the Toronto Making and Doing Organising Committee to evaluate all in-person sessions. The Awards Committee awarded five winners and three commendations this year.


Feminist Theory Theater: by incorporating key ideas of feminist theory into the act of reading a text, this project changes the ways academics talk about and do reading that could have important implications for how we engage with the complex world we live in. See details here.

Solar Protocol: for building personalised digital media storage infrastructure through shareable how-to materials (zine) and by doing so enable people to prioritise the personal and the local while circumnavigating the need for big tech infrastructure. The shareable zine enables STS making and doing to go beyond an academic audience. See details here.

Clinical Dinner: for a live performance of surgery training through the experience of home cooking, for example by baking derma bread. Juxtaposing the skills of cooking/baking with surgery is a feminist demonstration of making and doing with pedagogic significance. See details here.

Xcol: for creating an ethnographic inventory through an open source platform as a way to archive aspects of ethnography that aren’t always shared or shareable. See details here.

Helium Rising: for a creative intervention that brokers public dialogue between a diverse set of stakeholders through collaborative imagination and making. The process shows how complicated and controversial problems can be engaged with through creating spaces of negotiation and expression. See details here.


Relata: for developing a tool that goes beyond explicit citations to explore interpretative non-citations within STS literature. Demonstrated through STS literature was an alternative method for reconfiguring citation practice. See details here.

Poets for Science: for a sensory and relational curation of poetic materials and exhibits that bring alternative ways of experiencing science through poetry. See details here.

Future Perfect: for an interactive adventure whereby participants—be they in bars or a public library—can take on the role of council members in a neighbourly context. An example of democratizing speculative futures. See details here.

Making and Doing Prize Committee

Amanda Windle (Chair)
Nerea Cavillo
Priyank Chandra
Laura Forlano
Helene Mialet
Misria Shaik Ali
Teun Zuiderent-Jerak