15th/16th March 2023
Agenda March 15th 2023, 11am-1pm UTC
Emma Kowal called the meeting to order at 11:05 AM UTC.
ITEM 1 Greetings
In attendance: Emma Kowal, Anne Pollock, Amanda Windle, Vivian Choi, Marko Monteiro, Canay Özden-Schilling, Zheng (Vincent) Li, Misria Shaik Ali, Pouya Sepehr, Lucy van de Wiel, and Chihyung Jeon. Yelena Gluzman arrived for item 8.
ITEM 2 Apologies
Aneesh Aneesh, Michal Nahman, Maka Suarez, Barkha Kagliwal, and Vivette García-Deister, and Grant sent their apologies.
ITEM 3 Review Action Tables
The action table was reviewed. The following motion arose from a discussion around the Fleck and Carson prizes. The Motion seeks to clarify the Fleck and Carson Prize nomination forms in two instances: (a) that a book can only be nominated for the Fleck or the Carson in one year (but not both), and (b) a person cannot be awarded a particular 4S prize more than once. VOTE: The motion to approve the nomination form updates was moved by Vivian Choi and seconded by Lucy van de Wiel, and approved by (9) votes, with zero (0) against, and (0) abstention. The motion was carried.
ITEM 4 Approval of December 2022 Minutes
Kowal asked for approvals for the minutes.
VOTE: The motion to approve the December minutes was moved by Canay Özden-Schilling and seconded by Lucy van de Wiel, and approved by (8) votes, with zero (0) against, and (2) abstention (for Council members not present at the December meeting). The motion was carried.
ITEM 5 Approval of January 2023 Minutes
Kowal asked for approvals for the minutes.
VOTE: The motion to approve the January minutes was moved by Marko Monteiro and seconded by Chihyung and approved by (8) votes, with zero (0) against, and (1) abstention (Canay Özden-Schilling for absence at the January Council meeting). The motion was carried.
ITEM 6 Finance Update (Annual Budget)
Amanda Windle presented the two budget documents (estimated overall budget and Honolulu budget). Kowal showed the registration tool and how this would be raised to meet the costs. Council members discussed various budget items.
ITEM 7 Update on 4S Honolulu
Kowal noted that there are 48 open panel submissions at this time. Kowal also requested that council members try and to access other funding for travel and accommodation costs for this year’s meeting. Action: Amanda Windle to document open panel numbers.
ITEM 8 Honolulu Costs
Kowal asked Misria Shaik Ali to present on the 6S Honolulu costs related to the Paraconference and the 6S Sketch groups. The Sketch groups will be run for the second time this year after trialing last year with 25 people. Participants work on a research plan and get direct comments on what they want to do, it is not a traditional mentoring scheme. Costs requested for the Paraconference included the planned exhibit of posters, and two travel grants for 3 members (2 non-US members) to support environmental justice groups to attend. Action: Choi will ask for clarification on the stipulations of the airlines travel grant awardees can fly and where they can stay. Action: Shaik Ali to send profiles of stipend holders to Council.
At this point Misria Shail Ali recused herself from the deliberation of the 6S budget. Council members were positive about the Para-conference and the 6S Sketch groups. General discussion of budgetary matters followed, including discussion of potential sponsorship from universities and programs of aspects of the conference. Action: Kowal to take to Conference Co-Chairs to bring together a list of potential sponsorship opportunities for this conference.
VOTE: The motion to approve the 6S proposal as an ongoing budget item was moved by Anne Pollock and seconded by Mark Monteiro and approved by (8) votes, with zero (0) against, and (1) abstention with Misria Shaik Ali recused. The motion was carried.
VOTE: The motion to approve the Para-Conference costs was moved by Vivian Choi and seconded by Chihyung Jeon and approved by (8) votes, with zero (0) against, and (1) abstention with Misria Shaik Ali recused. The motion was carried.
Yelena Gluzman arrived for part of item 8.
VOTE: The motion to approve a payment for the Opening Keynote speaker K Beamer (between 3-5k) was moved by Mark Monteiro and seconded by Anne Pollock and approved by (9) votes, with zero (0) against, and (0) abstention. The motion was approved.
Kowal presented that Aya Kimura had talked to the Oahu Water Protectors and other local organisations confirming that the Sierra Club will act as a fiscal agent to help only to facilitate the donation for the water protectors who can receive the money and pass this in full to the water protectors. Action: Amanda to ask Aya Kimura how to ensure the fiscal sponsorship is working (i.e., fiscal sponsor agreement, or emails as enough documentation).
VOTE: The motion to approve donating $5k (USD) to the Oahu Water Protectors costs was moved by Canay Özden-Schilling and seconded by Lucy van de Wiel and approved by (9) votes, with zero (0) against, and (0) abstention. The motion was carried.
ITEM 9 Update from Executive Committee (Incorporation)
Vivian Choi has now signed the incorporation documentation.
ITEM 10 MemberLeap Update (on Kanban)
Windle presented and requested all Council members to add notifications on the website Kanban for the amendments needed to the new website. Kowal thanked Shiv Issar and Windle on this work. And thanks to Vivian, for helping on the abstracts submissions system. Action: Chiyhung to try Grant’s submission portal instructions on the upcoming weekend.
ITEM 11 Elections Schedule 2023
Election nominations are about to open. Council discussed working for the call for council members, Treasurer and 6S representative. Council discussed the need for the Treasurer to be based in the US as 4S finances are held in U.S. institutions, and the President, President-Elect and Managing Director are all currently based outside the U.S. Action: Özden-Schilling will also put this in the elections committee operation guidance.
ITEM 12* Publications Committee (Update on 4S Handbook Ideas) *Kelty joined for item 12 only.
Chris Kelty (Chair) from the Publications Committee updated from which follows on from the Handbook discussion which took place at the Cholula conference in December 2022. A future Handbook would be the fifth edition, and it would mean calling for editors to put together a handbook. Another idea was to start an Annual Reviews of Science and Society which is Open Access. There could also be a book series. Council discussed various options and provided feedback to the the Publications Committee Chair.
ITEM 13 Any Other Business
There was no AOB. Council will approve the elections roster out of session and reconvene in the second half of June. There was general agreement with this being an appropriate timeline.
The meeting was adjourned at 13:02 PM UTC.