7th/8th November 2023


Agenda November7th 2023 @ 10:00-15:00 HST


Emma Kowal called the in-person meeting to order at 10:15 AM HST atthe Hawai’i Convention Center, in Honolulu.


ITEM 1a Greetings

In attendance in person: Emma Kowal, Anne Pollock, Amanda Windle, AneeshAneesh (Treasurer), Vivian Choi (Secretary), Zheng (Vincent) Li, Amit Prasad(incoming Treasurer), Barkha Kagliwal (voting–6S), Marko Monteiro, Maka Suarez,Misria Shaik Ali (6S), Monamie Bhadra Haines incoming (6S), CanayÖzden-Schilling, Lucy van de Wiel, Michal Nahman, Eugene Richardson, and ChihyungJeon, as well as Aya Kimura (2023 Conference Co-Chair), Grant Jun Otsuki (2023 ConferenceCo-Chair), and Teun Zuiderent-Jerak (2024 Conference Co-Chair).


In attendance virtually: Vivette García-Deister, Rohit Negi(incoming).


Special Invitees: Teun Zuiderent-Jerak will join (virtually) foritem 2. Courtney Eddison and Matthew Kearns (as part of the editorialcollective for ST&HV in-person) will join for item 4.


Aya Kimura and Grant Jun Otsuki (Co-Chairs for the ConferenceOrganising Committee) welcomed council in-person to the conference venue inHonolulu.


ITEM 1b Apologies And Introductions.

Yelena Gluzman is scheduled to arrive late. Pouya Sepehr and MelissaCreary (incoming 4S Council) sent their apologies. Both Tim Neale(Editor-in-Chief, ST&HV journal) and Aalok Khandekar(Editor-in-Chief, ESTS journal) could not attend due to being engaged inthe NSF-funded Editorial Writing Workshop. Chris Kelty (Chair of PublicationsCommittee) also could not attend at this time.


Incoming, current, and outgoing members of council sharedintroductions along with guests arriving early: Teun Zuiderent-Jerak (EASST/4SConference Co-organiser for Amsterdam’24), Courtney Eddison, and Matthew Kearns.


ITEM 2 Amsterdam Conference Update

Teun Zuiderent-Jerak introduced what toexpect for next year’s joint meeting in Amsterdam. The all for Open Panels received405 open panels whereas the last meeting in The Netherlands (Rotterdam) receivedc.40 Open Panels [confirmed 239 panel sessions altogether] in 2008. Labour andtime (for the program committee), as well as building space to hold theconference have all needed to be extended. More like to have 3.5k attendees. Recommendation:Zuiderent-Jerak recommended to book accommodation as soon as possible and then openedup for questions around needs and requirements. Maka Suarez and Lucy van deWiel asked about accommodation provisions and Zuiderent-Jerak noted that EASSThas worked with a company to gain discounts for hotel rates but accommodationswould be up to the participant. Emma Kowal asked for a breakdown of potentialattendance by Europe, America and elsewhere? Action: TeunZuiderent-Jerak noted that this was also work-in-progress. Kowal thanked Zuiderent-Jerakfor the team’s patience on our communications. Misria Shaik-Ali urged everyoneto be aware of the quick turnaround of visas needed to attend this conference. Zuiderent-Jeraknoted that they would confirm visa letters shortly. Recommendation: Kowalrecommended to Zuiderent-Jerak that NomadIT add a tick box on theirsystem for visa updates. Action: Amanda to add visa to the 4S/EASST Novembermeeting and to share past experiences and statistics on visa letters from 2024.


*Yelena Gluzman joined the meetingmidway through this item.


CALL FOR ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Suarez requestedto add to the agenda space for a discussion on a statement against war. VOTE:The motion to approve the agenda item too add a statement against war was movedby Maka Suarez and seconded by Vivian Choi, and approved by (15) votes, withzero (0) against, and (0) abstention. The motion was [carried].


ITEM 3 ST&HV Report

* Courtney Addison and Matthew Kearns joinedfor this item in-person and presented an overview of this year for ST&HV.


Addison presented a really good andfull-year for the ST&HV journal, noting it as a transitional yearfor all, with some of the results of initiatives previously started coming intofruition. Addison presented updates to the report metrics (i.e. volume of work)coming into the journal since giving the Council the journals’ annual report (preparedby Sage) to Council in September 2023. Addison announced a new special issueprocess with an annual call (with plans to track the process from Nov ‘23), andnoted current and future issues in the pipeline. Matthew Kearns announced a neweditor’s forum and the journal’s newly refurbished book format beforereflecting on the 4S-funded English Language (EL) editing scheme. One manuscripthad been processed and went very well (utilising 1k of 10k of funds). Action:Council to help disseminate the call-for-action for the upcoming ST&HVschool (3–6 June 2024), as advertised on the STS News section of 4sonline.org. Thefollowing actions developed from Kowal’s call for questions in relation to 4S’spublications. Action: Executive Committee to clarify a roll-over for the9k outstanding funds for the EL initiative. Action: 4SCouncil to attend ST&HVmeet-ups and also for the Publications Committee Meet-Up on the STS Handbook atHonolulu and to volunteer for publications committee work.


* Courtney Addison and Matthew Kearnsleft at the end of this item.


ITEM 4 ESTS Report

The NSF Editorial Writing Workshop involvingmany the 4S’s affiliated journals was raised by Anne Pollock, with VivetteGarcia-Deister noting that there is a survey already set-up for workshopparticipants. Action: Windle to contact Ali Kenner (NSF lead forthe NSF Editorial Writing Workshop) to track success on the NSF WritingWorkshop. Amanda Windle presented on behalf of the ESTS journal. Thisyear’s successful NSF funded Editorial Workshop was administrated by Ali Kenner(ESTS, Associate Editor) with Clement Dreano (ESTS, Assistant Editor)with many of the Editorial Collective in attendance. Windle noted that the renewal,transition of the editorship is in-discussion with the Publications Committeethis week; the OACIP Lyrasis fundraising campaign was extended until the end ofthe year; and the Annual report would come to Council after the end of Volume9.3. So far, ESTS had been updating the design of the website and license policiesduring 2023. The 4S-funded roles for two Editorial Assistants had been goingbrilliantly. Windle further noted attending the ACLS workshop on journals andsharing best practice in relation to the current 4S ecosystem of flagship, openaccess, and affiliated journals. Pollock noted that this community of practiceworks well, sharing how the journals work together and considered if there wasa way of having levels of affiliations: what does it mean to be an affiliatedjournal with 4S; and contribute to STS as a field? Suarez noted that the conversationsthe journals are having is transformative with Pollock considering that thereare hidden values to these writing workshops—which is about learning—while alsothinking about longer-term sustainability—i.e. how the writing workshops havebenefits for journal conversations. Suarez raised the idea of the journalspublishing pieces at the same time with Pollock noting that this was indiscussion last year around an ethical ethos in STS, and it would be good to dothat going forward. Recommendation: Kowal recommended informally to Pollockfor additional journals who might want to be affiliated we may want to do acall for in the future.


ITEM 5 Publications update including SSS discussion

Emma Kowal shared the times and datesof the Publications Committee Meet-Up on Wednesday, 7 November in Honolulu.



* Windle left at this item to attend aHonolulu conference meeting with the conference co-chairs.


ITEM 6 Review Actions Table

Item 6 began at 12.42 HST. * Rohit Negileft at this point. It was reminded that Council please send request for anyother business two weeks ahead of all Council meetings. Action: Chairsfor Fleck, Edge and Infrastructure prize committees needed to complete and senttheir reports to Windle. Kowal read out the legal advice obtained from WTP on thejoint-ethics procedure for the Amsterdam conference. Action: Amanda toinform Zuiderent-Jerak in Nov on WTP legal outline on ethics committee processin the Nov comms meeting; and Pollock to follow-up with Maja Horst and Zuiderent-Jerak(Zuiderent-Jerak to be informed that he is on the 4S event ethics committee). *Windle returned to the meeting mid-way though this item.


ITEM 7 Approval of September Minutes

Kowal presented the September minutes for Council approval. VOTE:The motion to approve the September minutes was moved by Aneesh Aneesh andseconded by Lucy van de Wiel and approved by (15) votes, with zero (0) against,and (1) abstention form Misria Shaik Ali for not attending the Septembermeeting. The motion was carried.


ITEM 8 Update from Executive Committee

Aneesh Aneesh updated Council on the CDinvestment for c.$100k which was now in a 12-month deposit, and noted that thisis the first time 4S has invested, and Kowal noted that this is part of increasing4S’s revenue streams.


ITEM 9 Finance Update

Kowal and Pollock noted that they neededto discuss the loss of income for next year. As we will need to draw onreserves which is a problem for the Council in 2024. Windle presented theupdated 2023 budget and 2024 estimated budget. Windle noted to Council the timeit takes to process a single due to increased verification processes over thepast two years (affecting American scholarly societies). Windle had recommendedthat the Travel Grants Committee increase amounts per awardee to reduceadministration costs, which was actioned this year raising amounts to over $100USD per transaction. Van de Wiel asked what is the projected income split forthe Amsterdam conference? Kowal and Pollock considered that it looks to be underestimatedat this stage, but noted that this is work-in-progress and yet to be decided.Aneesh, Windle and Prasad had been working together for the past few months on asmooth transition of Treasurer duties with Chase bank as Aneesh steps down andPrasad takes up the Treasurer role.


ITEM 10 Conference Policy Development

Vivian Choi (Chair of the PolicyDevelopment Committee) and Marko Monteiro presented how the members’ conferencesurvey had been distilled into recommendations and that the next step would beto turn this into a policy after discussion. Van de Wiel noted that this ahelpful tool to engage members in visualising and showing how we’re makingdecisions, with Pollock noting how catalysing 4S was for Australia STS, and weshould think about a conversation about STS-ing in India and give space forascendant conversations in STS and through the policy make visible for the widercommunity to find the people that are looking for us. Kowal noted that therewere some competing issues in the findings: i.e., cost and accessibility versusbuilding local communities, etc. Bharka Kagliwal noted a skew in the survey toUS representation and how that might lead to further of the contradictoryfindings. Choi asked what is the process and the format for moving thisforward? Kowal opened for discussion and for volunteering for the committee? Thecommittee will prepare the report for discussion at the Business Meeting thisweek for further discussion. Action: Amit Prasad and Vincent Livolunteered to join the committee to help move this policy forward. Misria:brought-up the method of community-referral method from para-conferencingexperience for Honolulu. Action: Amanda to send link on carbon capturepresentation at the recent ACLS meeting. Action: Shiv to add Amit andVincent to the committee list on the website.


*Vivette Choi and Yelena Gluzman leftduring the discussion of item 10.


ITEM 11 6S Survey Discussion

Kagliwal reflected on 1. 6S governance (i.e.holding monthly meetings without minutes) and 2. mentorship programs past andpresent (most recently called ‘Sketch’), and last year a social event at theconference to ask how should 6Sutilise 4S funding? In discussion it was recommended to have a survey go outeach year and look into other activities like an in-person, pre-conferenceworkshop. Kowal noted that this would also be a way to cut down on smallpayments. Action: Windle to find out number of studentregistrations. Who has paid for student membership given that 4S subsidiseslower fees for 6S.


ITEM 12 Plans for 2024–25

Pollock noted that the plans going forwardinclude one of continuity and continued professionalising of the society: buildingon work of Kim Fortun, Joan Fujimura, and Emma Kowal including—transparency of financeand governance practices (as shown in today’s meeting). Are there additionalways to combine professionalising and humane ways like our journal communityfor instance. How can we create a system of norms that reacts through ethics,and modelling of behaviours, and this is a larger conversation beyond today’smeeting: i.e., being intentional of where STS and 4S is as a field, and whereare we leading, and in the position to lead. What are the most appropriatethings for 4S? Where is 4S as an organisation, and STS as a field as our owndomains are in-progress. What kind of leadership do we want to do that isauthentic to our organisation? Pollock moved to operational matters needinggreater planning this year because of the short turnaround this year for4S/EASST. Action: Prize committees need to begin working in Jan-Feb ‘24to meet the summer announcements. Gene Richardson asked if Council would be promotingepistemic justice as we already do it? Pollock considered how this could beframed given that people come from diverse fields and do come to STS for this.Monteiro asked: what is STS about in terms of political action? Where do wewant to see democracy go, environmental movements, what is this about, what arewe doing here, not just theoretical issues pertaining to say actor-networktheory? Amit Prasad suggested organising a panel, around misinformation in the USand have places to self-reflect within our meetings, etc. Discussion moved tosuggesting that long-form essays can be very insightful, but less so with statements.Pollock noted that a forum on race and genetics is a great resource, and inspiredCouncil to be more proactive in cultivating those sorts of activities: forinstance, how is STS informing on militarism?


ITEM 10 Any Other Business

NEW BUSINESS 10a – Statement AgainstWar

Kowal handed over the chairing of themeeting on future items to Anne Pollock, signifying the change of presidencyresponsibilities. Suarez presented the aim to open up space for pressing issues,and for Council to have a statement on solidarity and against the war inIsrael/Palestine. Pollock agreed that opening space is important, rather thanhaving a policy on this. Windle explained the procedural questions tied to thisaim—which would be to bring into action the resolutions and reports committee;and reported back to Council statement discussions across American learned societies(at the ACLS). All Council members were vigorously engaged in the discussionabout statement writing—what is gained/lost, do statements show a commitment ofstanding-with, that a statement has no scope for dialogue, how doesone hold your own organisation to account, when 4S has many voices and is nota unitary voice. Council did not reach consensus on statement writing favouringother more inclusive methods: with the idea of creating a forum linked to theintellectual mission of the society (working group on war and genocideincluding issues related to war technology, colonialism, anti-militarism, epistemicjustice, as related to matters affecting members such as campus life and labourrights) gaining consensus, a call for participation in the newsletter (Technosience),and blog writing (Backchannels) and journal writing across the society’sjournal ecosystem being a the place for showing what is going on by experts,i.e. a virtual special issue. VOTE: That 4S council commit to addressing thecurrent war in Israel/Palestine in the next Technoscience message, form aworking group and forum on war and genocide, and investigate a virtual specialissue collating existing relevant STS scholarship from 4S-affiliated journalswas moved by Maka Suarez and seconded by Vivian Choi and approved by (14)votes, with zero (0) against, and (0) abstention. The motion was carried. Recommendation:Kowal noted that we should move towards reconstituting the resolutions andreports committee. Michal volunteered to work on that committee. Action: Pollock,Choi, Shaik Ali, and Nahman to form a working group and begin writing a callfor participation in the forthcoming President’s message of Technoscience.

Emma Kowal was extended to make roomfor this lengthy debate and adjourned at: HST 16:00.