Making & Doing Exhibition, 4S New Orleans

Armstrong Ballroom, 1-6pm, 5 September 2019

Expanding on the theme of Making & Doing, what might it mean to make do, that is, to challenge the modernist belief in a Technoscientific Fix and the neoliberal fallacy that more is always better? What might it mean to make do today in New Orleans, a city of vibrant and brutal colonial histories in a state that is losing a football field‘s worth of land every hour and a half?

To address these questions, this year‘s Making & Doing exhibition brings together almost fifty projects that engage speculative, empirical, reflexive and aesthetic approaches to the study of science and technology, broadly defined. Some projects take the form of sonic ethnographies and experimental films, while others present interactive games and virtual/augmented reality applications, cooking demos, and other interventions that exceed the printed page. Building on previous years and opening up to new possibilities, we are thrilled to present so many thoughtful explorations of the sensorial, experiential, collaborative, and spatiotemporal dimensions of research and social engagement.

The Making & Doing exhibition will take place in the Armstrong Ballroom between 1pm and 6pm on Thursday the 5th September. All exhibits will be loosely organised into six thematic clusters, each of which will explore specific aspects of making and doing. These thematic clusters will be imagining, conversing, mapping/monitoring, experiencing/listening, playing/crafting, and living with – see a list of participants below. Some of the connections and resonances among the projects will be explored during a Making & Doing roundtable discussion, to be held in the same room between 1pm and 2:30pm on Friday the 6th September.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you there!

Organizing committee

Endre Dányi (Bundeswehr University Munich)

Elaine Gan (New York University)

Jen Henderson (University of Colorado Boulder)

Melanie Ford (Rice University)

Kristin Gupta (Rice University)

Check out the Making and Doing travel circuit: Out in New Orleans.

Entry categories

Imagining draws attention to the socio-material conditions of contesting seemingly robust and coherent realities, and developing viable alternatives.

Conversing shows both the potential and the limits of participation, and examines good/better ways of being present in various communities of practice.

Mapping / monitoring
Mapping/monitoring acknowledges the growing importance data play in knowing our environments (whether cities or the globe), but also challenges dominant data regimes by generating counter-measurements.

Experiencing / listening
Experiencing/listening suggests modes of engagement with practices that refigure the relationship between sense and the senses.

Playing / crafting
Playing/Crafting offers a series of serious exercises that nevertheless allows participants to be playful and adventurous.

Living with
Living with examines particular human-nonhuman entanglements and foregrounds processes that challenge a standard vocabulary of coexistence.